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Taking the Bible seriously?
06 Jul 2014
Is our authority God’s Word or secular uniformitarian ‘science’? Taking the Bible ‘seriously’ means taking it as God’s Word according to its original meaning.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Enigma Man: A Stone-age Mystery
05 Jul 2014
Has a new human species been found in China?
by Russell Grigg
Creation in-depth: Fossil jellyfish
04 Jul 2014
From ‘2.5Ga’ rocks in the Pilbara, Western Australia.
by Philip Worts
Big-bang backflip!
03 Jul 2014
Astrophysicists in damage control after big-bang ‘find’ doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
by John G. Hartnett
Rats: no evolution!
02 Jul 2014
Agents of the ‘Black Death’, these much-despised rodents very clearly did not have a non-rodent ancestor.
by Paula Weston
Creation lecture at university impacts science student educators
01 Jul 2014
Challenged thinking and changed teaching plans.
by Tas Walker
Lottie moon
30 Jun 2014
A life poured out for China and for God
by Russell Grigg
How did the earth recover after the flood?
29 Jun 2014
Would volcanic dust and ash block the sunlight? And would salt cover the continents?
by Tas walker, Michael Oard
Learning from bumpy scorpion armour
28 Jun 2014
Rough scorpion armour deflects airflow, greatly reducing sand damage. Exposed steel with such design would prolong life.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Creation in-depth: Genesis confirmed in clay
27 Jun 2014
Despite secular claims that the Genesis account is a myth borrowed from various earlier sources, author Bill Cooper discovers the reverse is true.
by Dominic Statham
Calendars more than just days and months
26 Jun 2014
Not all calendars are the same and some are arguably flawed. So why has most of the world settled on the Roman calendar?
by David Malcolm
Kangaroo rats
25 Jun 2014
by Paula Weston