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Noah movie making waves
01 Apr 2014
It’s unfortunate that this movie ‘inspired by’ the biblical account of the global Flood falls short.
by Keaton Haley, Lita Cosner
The Singapore Evolution Garden
31 Mar 2014
Its exotic plants actually show evolution has not happened
by Tas Walker
UK hospitals heated by incinerated babies
30 Mar 2014
In what can only be described as an obscene byproduct of evolutionary thinking, hospital authorities show complete disregard for life by burning human remains for heating.
by Phil Robinson
The reality of suffering, and the Gospel confronting culture
29 Mar 2014
The Gospel inevitably changes the cultures it encounters–and that’s a good thing.
by Lita Sanders
Creation in-depth: Review of Evolution and Belief
28 Mar 2014
A theistic paleontologist with dubious theology and little-better science.
by John Woodmorappe
Thomas Nagel—The atheist who dared to question materialism
27 Mar 2014
Neo-Darwinists are upset that an atheist philosopher has questioned their view of materialism.
by Warren Nunn
A tale of ancient toothpaste
26 Mar 2014
by David Catchpoole
Joanna Lumley: The Search for Noah’s Ark
25 Mar 2014
Joanna Lumley looks for Noah’s Ark, and finds lots of evidence for the Flood.
by Russell Grigg
‘Once upon a time’
24 Mar 2014
‘Early Cambrian’ arthropod fossils showing ‘exceptionally preserved eyes’ with ‘modern optics’ should be an eye-opener for evolutionists—but they resort to ‘spin’ instead
by David Catchpoole
Nothing new under the Cosmos
23 Mar 2014
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a worthy successor—as an atheistic propagandist—to Carl Sagan, but nothing we haven’t refuted.
by Jonothan Sarfati
BioLogos, theistic evolution and the Pelagian heresy
22 Mar 2014
In the debate over an historical Adam BioLogos revives an old heresy that leads to the destruction of the Gospel.
by Richard Fangrad
New science on the young sun, and Earth migration
21 Mar 2014
Could an earth closer to the sun solve the evolutionary faint young sun paradox?
by Wayne Spencer