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Deism and divine revelation
18 Nov 2021
Does God have good reasons to use special revelation, like the Bible, to reveal Himself?
by Shaun Doyle
Immeasurable Age
30 Jul 2022

How old is the earth and how can we tell?

by Andrew Lamb
Time to think
07 Jun 2012
Maybe young-earth creationists should sometimes just ‘shut up’? …
by David Catchpoole
Did fish die before the Fall?
21 Apr 2012
Were fish a category of nephesh chayyah life that did not suffer death before the Fall?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Lita Cosner
Flights of fancy
22 Sep 2021
No simple brute or sub-human pre-Adamite would pluck feathers for headdresses!
by Carl Wieland
Soil formation and the age of the earth
13 Nov 2010
Soil formation is often invoked as a death blow to the historical reliability of the Bible and justify evolution over millions of years.
by Tas Walker
Why doesn’t CMI take a position on … ?
09 Jan 2024
The rationale behind CMI’s focus
by Kevin Moritz
Why do children lose their trust in the Bible?
06 Dec 2011
We need to teach our children that the Bible reliably reflects the real world.
by Gary Bates
The uniformitarian mystery of radiolarian chert
31 Jan 2008
How do we explain cherts when there aren’t any modern examples of it forming?
by Michael J. Oard
A Tale of Four Countries
07 Nov 2008
A South African faced with the parlous state of his own country finds striking parallels and lessons in history.
by Marc Ambler
Submarines with fish fins?
19 Sep 2007
Engineers want their underwater survey vehicles to be able to do what fish can do.
by David Catchpoole
The mystery of the moon
22 Jan 2020
Whatever scenario evolutionists invoke, they can’t adequately explain the moon’s origin.
by Dominic Statham