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Spin from the BBC about Darwin
22 Oct 2009
A BBC program tries to distance Darwin’s theory of evolution from the Holocaust and other atrocities, but Darwinism is not that easily whitewashed.
by Russell Grigg
Mars moons mystery
04 Nov 2019
How did Phobos and Deimos come to be so close to the red planet?
by David Catchpoole
Leave Darwin alone!
29 Aug 2009
Some criticize creationist groups such as CMI for critiquing Darwin.
by Carl Wieland
Genetics questions answered
10 Sep 2016
Should creationists expect chimpanzees and humans to be genetically similar? And where did Jesus’ Y chromosome come from?
by Robert Carter
Seven ways to build a lighthouse
30 May 2017
Equipping your children with as much information as possible is the best antidote to the onslaught they will face in a secular classroom.
by Tricia Wright
Don’t blame Malthus!
10 Oct 2011
English clergyman Thomas Malthus wrote an essay on population and food supply which Darwin credited as one of his inspirations. What are the facts?
by Russell Grigg
Artificial wombs may help extremely premature babies
08 Jun 2017
Every year hundreds of thousands of babies are born prematurely worldwide. With premature birth being the lead cause of death for babies, can an artificial womb help them?
by Phil Robinson
Seeking the First Man, Adam
20 Jan 2022
William Lane Craig’s historical Adam is Homo Heidelbergensis 750,000 years ago.
by Ben Kissling
Do claimed dates for Göbekli Tepe and the Lost City of Dwarka outdate the Bible’s timeline?
23 Dec 2021
Claimed dates for the Neolithic site Göbekli Tepe predate the Bible’s date of creation, and the Lost City of Dwarka supposedly predates the Flood—how should creationists respond?
by Gavin Cox
Sharing your faith
23 Dec 2008
Street preacher Russell Wallace shares his insights and experience about what to say to those who resist the Gospel today.
by Russell Wallace
Helpful in places, confusing in others
15 May 2015
Author fails to make link between the Bible and the rise of science despite praising Church’s role in science.
by Dominic Statham
‘Just-so’ stories of sex and family life
by Don Batten