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Christianity as progress
21 Aug 2008
A review of The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Let to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success by Rodney Stark
by Lael Weinberger
Did the moon landing bring evolutionary insights?
21 Jul 2009
Evolutionists claim that the Apollo 11 moon landing resulted in new insights about the evolutionary history of life on Earth. But the moon poses serious problems for evolutionary theory.
by Lita Sanders
The Sin of Certainty - A book review
14 Jun 2016
Peter Enns new book ‘The Sin of Certainty’ reveals just how much biblical authority (all of it!) he has given up by incorporating typical atheistic anti-biblical arguments into his worldview.
by Calvin Smith
How could Noah's Ark have survived the flood?
16 Feb 2019
What with all the waves, water jets, hurricanes, and ocean heat?
by Tas Walker
Andy Stanley takes the easy way out
06 Dec 2018
Some parts of the Bible are hard to understand. What should we do with them?
by Lita Sanders
The biggest dinosaur eggs
04 Mar 2020
Just how big were they, and what are the implications for the Ark?
by Phil Robinson
Is it God’s fault?
08 Dec 2011
How could a loving God just sit back and allow all the death and suffering in this world?
by Shane Cessna
With no apology!
10 Nov 2008
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Calvin Smith
Blinded by evolutionary brainwashing
10 Nov 2014
Biochemist Dr Ainsley Chalmers finds creation, not evolution in a single cell
by Warren Nunn and David Catchpoole
Researchers remain divided over ‘feathered dinosaurs’
07 Sep 2018
Could feathered dinosaurs have existed? Logically distinct question: did dinosaurs evolve into birds?
by Brian Thomas and Jonathan Sarfati
Dawkins: ‘You don’t get your moral compass from religion’
17 Dec 2015
Who’s to judge what’s right and what’s wrong? Well, according to professed atheist Richard Dawkins, people—not God—should decide.
by Phil Robinson
Vaccines and abortion?
24 Mar 2012
A few vaccines use cells from babies that were aborted—is it immoral to receive these vaccinations?
by Jonathan Sarfati