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Sex abnormalities and transgender
25 Jun 2022
Activists argue that abnormalities in sexual development justify transgenderism, but the argument fails scrutiny.
by Don Batten
Natural selection
by John Creeper
The tragic death of thought
03 Aug 2010
A short story about censorship of thought, academic freedom and the limitations of science—pithy quotations that reinforce the main points are listed as footnotes, to avoid spoiling the article’s flow.
by Shirley Heavenor
African origins and the rise of carnivory
19 Dec 2020
Dr Robert Carter answers questions about the why so many scientists think humans evolved in Africa and if God created predators.
by Robert Carter
Divine design denies evolution
04 Feb 2021
To the unprejudiced, unexpectedly diverse instructions in fly embryos and recently discovered leg springs in flea beetles argue powerfully for Created design.
by Gavin Cox
Focus: creation news and views
Focus Creation news and views 34(2).
by Various
Plants’ jigsaw puzzle adds to the big picture
12 Sep 2018
As every jigsaw enthusiast knows, getting every piece of the puzzle to fit in perfect juxtaposition with its neighbours doesn’t happen by itself.
by David Catchpoole
Reaching out to ‘Alien’ experiencers
04 Aug 2018
How to reach out to ‘Alien’ experiencers.
by Gary Bates
The unexpected history of scientific naturalism
03 Dec 2021
A review of Science Without God? by Peter Harrison and Jon H. Roberts (Eds.)
by Daniel Davidson
Five things you may not know about Adam
27 Feb 2023
Adam, the first man, made in the image of God from dust of the ground. What else do you know about him? Here are five things to test your knowledge.
by Lucien Tuinstra & Phil Robinson
Swimming with sharks
28 Jun 2018
Sharing the gospel with evolutionists is not as dangerous as people imagine.
by Scott Gillis
Spider eyes shining in the rocks
07 Dec 2020
These bright-eyed, perfectly-preserved fossils provide compelling evidence for the global Flood recorded in the Bible
by Jonathan O’Brien