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Time, eternity, and the creation of the universe
30 Dec 2012
Can the universe be caused by something immaterial and eternal?
by Don Batten
Can we ‘conclusively’ say that dinosaurs were created on Day 6?
29 Dec 2012
We were not there, but the God of the Bible was, and we can trust His word.
by Lita Sanders
Is the faint young sun paradox solved?
28 Dec 2012
The earth would have been a ‘snowball’ if an evolutionary origin of the solar system was true.
by Michael J Oard
True versus false humility
27 Dec 2012
How does a person’s view of Genesis relate to the humility of the incarnate Son of God? If he or she desires to be Christ-like, there is a very clear relationship.
by Philip Bell
‘Living fossils’ enigma
26 Dec 2012
Gingko trees, crocodiles, horseshoe crabs, coelacanth fish, tuatara lizards, Lingula lamp shells and Neopilina molluscs haven’t changed in at least a hundred million years. How come?
by David Catchpoole
The genealogies of Jesus
22 Dec 2019
The genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke are different. In-depth study of Scripture and Jewish methods explains why. Both genealogies explain important facets of the Gospel message.
by Lita Sanders
Egyptian blue
24 Dec 2012
The science of the ancients and their ‘eternal’ colour.
by Patrick Clarke
Physicist: Evolution more scientific than quantum mechanics?
23 Dec 2012
So why then is there no Nobel Prize for evolution?
by Don Batten
Stephen Hawking’s end of the universe
22 Dec 2012
Will the universe end in a ‘big chill’, as Stephen Hawking predicts, or is there a better future for those who acknowledge God’s sovereignty and lordship?
by Russell Grigg
Does the Bible really describe expansion of the universe?
21 Dec 2012
What does ‘stretching out the heavens like a tent’ mean?
by John Hartnett
Further restrictive legislation to keep Creation out of UK state-funded schools
20 Dec 2012
Aggressive secularists relentlessly push ahead with even more pervasive evolutionary indoctrination in British schools, backed by the Royal Society no less!
by Andrew Sibley
Claim Robert Ballard discovered Noah’s Flood in the Black Sea is not correct
19 Dec 2012
Robert Ballard discovered the Titanic but not Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker