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5 Reasons the Bible is the Only True Holy Book

5 Reasons the Bible is the Only True Holy Book

There are many religions in the world, and many holy books. Even a cursory examination shows that they do not agree with each other. Clearly, they can’t all be right. So, are they all wrong? Are any of them right? How would we be able to tell? Christians claim that the Bible is the one true, written revelation from God. That’s a big claim! Can the claim be tested? What’s the evidence? Dr Mark Harwood says the Bible can, indeed, be both tested and trusted. Join the conversation as he provides evidence from five different areas: • Perfectly fulfilled prophecies • Observations of the world around us are consistent with the Bible • The Bible has a unified message, though written by 40 authors over 1500+ years • The Bible is inerrant • The impact of the Bible on people’s lives And if the Bible is true, how should we respond?
17 Jan, 202450:25
The "issue of issues" in the creation evolution debate

The "issue of issues" in the creation evolution debate

The main issue in the creation/evolution debate is not science, facts or evidence. All human reasoning is inferior to God's. Trusting what God says about the origin of the universe is the key to understanding the origins debate and making sense of the science, facts and evidence. Watch the entire episode at: []
23 Nov, 202202:18
Biblical Inerrancy leads to Young Earth Creationism

Biblical Inerrancy leads to Young Earth Creationism

Christians who affirm the inerrancy of Scripture, interpret it correctly, and go on to believe that God created recently, in 6 days, and there was a global flood, have a better understanding of earth's history than the most educated and published scientist who develops scientific/historical models of origins apart from Scripture. Watch the entire episode at: []
16 Nov, 202205:12
Genesis: the seedbed of all Christian doctrine

Genesis: the seedbed of all Christian doctrine

Is Genesis really important to today’s Christian? Without Genesis could we still have a good understanding of Christianity’s main teachings? Find out how and why Genesis relates to Christian doctrines.
19 Oct, 202223:53
Does the Bible condone slavery, abuse or mass murder?

Does the Bible condone slavery, abuse or mass murder?

According to many Bible skeptic internet warriors the Bible is an evil book that condones slavery and rape, etc. How do Christians answer these accusations when skeptics quote passages from the Bible itself as supposed proof?
12 Oct, 202224:13
The Bible's ultimate author is God

The Bible's ultimate author is God

Yes, the Bible was written by men, but it is error-free because God is the ultimate author. For more details watch the full episode at: []
05 Oct, 202203:39
God's message muddled by the Bible's human author?

God's message muddled by the Bible's human author?

Did God perfectly (inerrantly) communicate his message but the human writer introduced errors? What are the implications of this position on the 'inerrancy' of Scripture? For more details watch the full episode at: []
21 Sep, 202202:56
Are Genesis 1 and 2 contradictory?

Are Genesis 1 and 2 contradictory?

Genesis chapters 1 and 2 certainly are different, but they are not contradictory. Learn how the differences actually provide the most complete record of the creation activities.
21 Sep, 202224:13
The Bible has two authors: God and man

The Bible has two authors: God and man

Each of the 66 books that compose the Bible has 2 authors. Understanding 'dual authorship' is key to developing a high view of Scripture and understanding how a book physically written by humans can be error-free. A high view of Scripture enables us to accurately address the creation/evolution issue.
17 Aug, 202203:31
Noah's Ark: Fact or Fiction?

Noah's Ark: Fact or Fiction?

Many questions about Noah’s Ark and the Genesis flood are answered in this episode.
06 Jul, 202229:17
Jesus is God – a biblical defense of the Trinity

Jesus is God – a biblical defense of the Trinity

Do Christians worship one God, or three? How does God describe Himself in His Word?
22 Jun, 202224:02
Evidence for God: The Bible's unified message

Evidence for God: The Bible's unified message

Written by more than 40 people over 1600 years, yet the Bible has one consistent message from beginning to end. This is powerful evidence for an all-knowing God as its ultimate author. For more details watch the entire episode at: []
15 Jun, 202201:09
Did animals die before Adam sinned?

Did animals die before Adam sinned?

God described His original creation as 'very good' but did that include the death of animals before Adam sinned? We explore the implications of animals dying before the Fall.
16 Mar, 202224:27
The Creation Model

The Creation Model

The theory of evolution is described in much detail in most classrooms today. Names, dates, classifications, etc., all seem to point to a very ‘scientific’ history of the world. But what about Creation? Does it have a cohesive historical narrative that can be backed up scientifically? Absolutely! Look at the ‘big picture’ of the Bible’s history on this week’s show.
02 Feb, 202223:25
What did the Son of God believe about Creation?

What did the Son of God believe about Creation?

Continuing on from previous episodes, “What the church fathers believed about Genesis” and, "What the Reformers believed about Genesis”, we now examine the words of the Son of God in His written revelation to us. What did Jesus believe about Genesis?
17 Nov, 202123:00
Will the REAL creationists please stand up?

Will the REAL creationists please stand up?

There are a variety of views on creation that could be called the ‘creationist’ view. Whether Christians hold to the Gap Theory, Day Age Theory, Framework Hypothesis or Biblical (Young Earth) Creation, they all believe their interpretation is correct. Which one is correct? Find out who the real creationists are as we sort through the issues on today’s show.
03 Nov, 202123:38

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