Major sites

Here are some of the major sites that we will be touring in Egypt. Itinerary subject to change if deemed necessary by our guides.

Museum of Egyptian Civilzation

View mummies of the most famous rulers of Egypt—all in one place! Includes pharaohs who likely reigned over the Hebrews as slaves: Queen Hatshepsut, Thutmoses III, and Amenhotep II.


At Edfu, we will visit the well-preserved Ptolemaic Temple dedicated to Horus. The Ptolemies ruled in the Intertestamental Period, and we will learn how the prophet Daniel predicted their rule years in advance.

Luxor (Thebes)

In Karnak Temple—the world’s largest religious complex—we’ll see the wall of Shoshenq I (biblical Shishak), revealing his conquests in Israel after Solomon’s death. Some 2.7 km away, along the Avenue of the Sphinxes, we’ll also see the impressive Luxor Temple.

Nile River Cruise

This tour includes 4 nights traveling down the Nile on a cruise ship. Observing the shores along the way, it will feel as if we’ve traveled back in time. It’s a great way to relax and take in the sights.


The Temple of Khnum (the ram-headed creator god) dates to the Greco-Roman period. It still displays some of the most dazzling, brilliant, original colours, and it depicts several Roman emperors.


In the red granite quarries of Aswan (biblical Syene), we’ll see the massive unfinished obelisk. We’ll also visit the famous High Dam which created the huge Lake Nasser to power Aswan’s hydroelectric system.

Abu Simbel

A day trip through the desert will take us to the stunning temples of Rameses II and his wife Nefertari, carved into limestone hills. To prevent destruction from flooding, UNESCO removed and reconstructed them piece by piece on higher ground.

Giza Sphinx

Near the Giza pyramids, we’ll see the famous Great Sphinx and the associated Valley Temple of Khafre, from the Old Kingdom, with its impressive cut and fitted sandstone blocks.

Philae Island

We will journey to this island by boat to see a large Ptolemaic temple. The Ptolemies were the successors of Alexander the Great who ruled Egypt after the close of the Old Testament. CMI staff will share how they relate to biblical history.


This ancient necropolis is enormous, and excavations here continue to unearth new finds. We’ll visit the 3rd Dynasty Stepped Pyramid of Djoser, and descend into the 5th Dynasty Pyramid of Unas, with its pristine, early hieroglyphic texts.

Medinet Habu

This stop includes the mortuary temple of Rameses III. He ruled in the time of the Judges, and battled ‘Sea Peoples’, depicted on the walls here. The Sea Peoples included the Philistines, who came from Caphtor according to Scripture.

Nile Excursion

If weather permits, we’ll take an evening boat ride on the Nile. This allows for a great view of several notable landmarks, including Elephantine Island.

Colossi of Memnon

These massive statues of Amenhotep III stand in front of the remains of his mortuary temple. This powerful figure was likely a contemporary of biblical Joshua around the time of the Israelite conquest of Canaan.

Deir el-Medina

This workers’ village was home to the New Kingdom craftsmen who built the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. We will enter some colourful tombs here with scenes of the afterlife, as well as a Ptolemaic Temple to the goddess Hathor.

Valley of the Kings

This is where New Kingdom pharaohs were buried, and where many of their mummies were found. Over sixty underground tombs have been excavated! We will enter several tombs, including that of the boy king Tutankhamun.

Great Pyramids

Journey to the Giza Plateau to see one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, as we explore the Great Pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.

Deir el-Bahri

Queen Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple is the main attraction here. This female pharaoh is famous for her visit to Punt, depicted in the wall reliefs. Many believe she could have been the one to pluck Moses from the Nile.

Grand Egyptian Museum

When it opens, the long-awaited GEM will be the largest museum in the world, and house 4,600 items just from the tomb of King Tutankhamun, along with over 100,000 other incredible artifacts.

CMI staff

At all locations you will be accompanied by CMI staff and local guides, who will explain the history of the sites and keep you in step with local customs.

We hope you enjoy the tour!

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