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More evidences for a recent creation

More evidences for a recent creation

Continuing from previous episodes in past seasons, this week we look at a collection of Bible-supporting scientific evidences for a recent creation from a wide variety of fields.
31 Mar, 202124:00
Does God exist?

Does God exist?

Is there objective evidence that God exists? Can we know God personally? Yes!
17 Mar, 202123:56
Energizing your spiritual growth

Energizing your spiritual growth

Science, creation, Genesis and spiritual growth. How do these things relate to each other?
20 Jan, 202123:31
Why Christianity is true

Why Christianity is true

Is it reasonable to be a Christian? What is the evidence that the Bible is really the 'word of God'? This episode of Creation Magazine LIVE! summarizes basic truths showing that Christianity is a logical, rational faith and not at all a blind faith.
19 Aug, 202024:36
Making sense of science, faith and Genesis (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-01)

Making sense of science, faith and Genesis (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-01)

Is creation/evolution a side issue for Christians? Does it have any impact on the Gospel? We’ll provide some clarity about the links between scientific discoveries and beliefs about the creation/evolution issue.
29 Feb, 202028:41
Did dinosaurs live after the flood?

Did dinosaurs live after the flood?

Wow, there really is evidence that dinosaurs lived after the flood, but the flood was less than 5000 years ago.
15 Jan, 202028:30
Why should we trust the Bible?

Why should we trust the Bible?

Biblical authority has been called the ‘issue of issues’ for Christians. This episode summarizes historical milestones that have led away from biblical authority.
01 Jan, 202028:30
Faith and facts

Faith and facts

Do faith and facts relate to each other at all? Is there evidence for Christian faith? Yes! A biblical worldview is the best fit for the facts.
27 Nov, 201828:30
Is evolution pseudoscience?

Is evolution pseudoscience?

We are often told creation is religion and evolution is science. But is evolution really science? On this week's episode, see how the theory of evolution exhibits most of the characteristic fallacies of pseudoscientific theories.
21 Jun, 201728:30
"Faith" means different things to different people

"Faith" means different things to different people

Does faith mean "believing in something even though it is not supported by evidence?" Yes, and no, depending on who you ask.
21 Dec, 201601:20
Teaching creationism is child abuse? (Part 1)

Teaching creationism is child abuse? (Part 1)

Dr Lawrence Krauss calls teaching creationism to children 'child abuse'. He wants to censor any conclusions that contradict his beliefs about atheism and evolution over millions of years. However, he doesn't seem to grasp foundational aspects of the origins debate. Teaching lies to children is wrong. They need to be taught the truth about the world around us and what life is all about.
07 Aug, 201307:06
A 'mountain of evidence' for evolution?

A 'mountain of evidence' for evolution?

Many people say that evolution is fact and that there is a mountain of evidence to prove it. Should Christians just cave in and admit that Genesis is a myth? This episode examines and refutes key evolution evidences such as: • Embryo similarity • The Miller/Urey experiment • Peppered Moths • Homology • Horse evolution • Fossil record • Dinosaurs • Archaeopteryx • Whale evolution • Tiktaalik • Vestigial organs • Ape men • Natural selection • Mutations • Chimp/human DNA 98% similarity • Junk DNA
22 May, 201328:31
Evidence for God

Evidence for God

People often ask, "How can you believe in God when there isn't a single shred of evidence—how can you take that leap of faith?" But on the contrary, the Bible tells us that "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." and "... since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse."
04 Oct, 201201:00
Peter the Apologetic

Peter the Apologetic

The Apostle Peter made apologetics a requirement for all Christians when he wrote to 'Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have'. Christian apologetics involves both giving a reasoned defence of the Christian faith against objections, and setting forth positive grounds for Christianity. In the origins debate there is both powerful evidence against evolution and strong scientific support for the accuracy of the Genesis account of creation. Find more at
10 Apr, 201200:49


The term 'apologetics' comes from the Greek word 'apologia' meaning 'defence'. It refers to the type of defence given in a court of law. Christian apologetics is the reasoned defence of the Christian faith against objections. The Apostle Paul said: 'We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God...' (2 Corinthians 10:5) Christians today need to study apologetics as we love the Lord with our mind as well as our heart!
10 Apr, 201200:43
"Leaving Your Brains at the Church Door?" Dr Jonathan Sarfati

"Leaving Your Brains at the Church Door?" Dr Jonathan Sarfati

Why should Christians defend their faith? How should they do so? See how to spot common fallacies and use correct logic—both to present a positive case for Christianity, and refute objections. Anti-Christian fads such as evolutionism and postmodernism assail Christians, but logic is a powerful weapon to demolish them.
30 Mar, 2010

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