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Carbon14 in Diamonds? It shouldn't be there!

Carbon14 in Diamonds? It shouldn't be there!

You've probably heard that, 'diamonds are a girl's best friend', but diamonds also teach us an important lesson about the age of the earth.
30 Apr, 201300:59
The Cambrian Explosion

The Cambrian Explosion

When most people hear the word 'explosion', they often think of destroyed buildings and injured people. But geologists have long recognized a different type of 'explosion' in earth's sedimentary rocks, known as the Cambrian explosion.
28 Mar, 201300:59
"Radioactive Dating and a Young Earth" Dr Jim Mason

"Radioactive Dating and a Young Earth" Dr Jim Mason

Is radiometric dating really proof that the earth is billions of years old as evolutionists claim? What about the evidence from radioactive decay that the earth is actually only about 6,000 years old—just as the chronologies in the Bible indicate?
07 Mar, 2013
Scientific evidence for a recent creation

Scientific evidence for a recent creation

All dating methods involve making assumptions. But many scientific dating methods, with reasonable assumptions, do not support deep time and an old universe. Hundreds of dating methods support a young earth and recent creation of the universe.
20 Feb, 201328:31
The Creation Answers Book

The Creation Answers Book

The Creation Answers Book is CMI's most popular book because it covers 60 of the most asked questions about Genesis and the creation evolution issue. Questions like: • What is the evidence for God's existence? • Could the days in Genesis 1 be long periods of time? • How did all the animals fit on Noah's Ark? • Does radioisotope dating prove that that earth is very old? • Where did Cain get his wife? • Where do dinosaurs fit into the Bible? ...and many more.
09 Oct, 201200:32
Radioisotope dating of rocks in the Grand Canyon

Radioisotope dating of rocks in the Grand Canyon

For more details visit: []
09 Apr, 201210:00
Carbon Dating

Carbon Dating

Many people believe that carbon dating has proven the Biblical timeline is not scientifically valid. It supposedly dates some material beyond 6,000 years.
19 Mar, 201200:54
Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview)

Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview)

For more details visit: []
25 May, 201110:00
The Dating Game

The Dating Game

Crucial to any worldview, the age of the earth has been a wedge deeply splitting Christianity. The rocks and fossils are a story interpreted by a person’s predetermined worldview. Let’s have a look together at some geological features used to ‘read time’ and hear how they whisper “The earth is young!”—just as the Bible would indicate.
28 Apr, 2011
"Tree Rings, Dating and Changing Climates" Dr Geoff Downes

"Tree Rings, Dating and Changing Climates" Dr Geoff Downes

Environmental change affects tree growth and the changes are captured partly in tree rings. Tree-ring studies are used to support the cause of climate change and many thousands of years of Earth history. But are wide rings caused by warmer temperatures? Is it this simple? Geoff Downes looks at the underpinning science in linking changes in wood structure to changing climate.
30 Mar, 2010

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