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Junk DNA

Junk DNA

When sequences of DNA which did not appear to code for protein were discovered, some evolutionists suggested that these represented 'junk' or 'vestigial' DNA, left-overs of our supposed evolutionary ancestry.
11 Apr, 201200:47
The Resurrection and Genesis

The Resurrection and Genesis

For more details visit: []
17 Sep, 201109:59
Evolutionary Stasis -- Double-speak and Propaganda

Evolutionary Stasis -- Double-speak and Propaganda

For more details visit: []
16 Sep, 201110:00
Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history

Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history

For more details visit: []
15 Sep, 201109:59
Two-tone Twins

Two-tone Twins

For more details visit: []
14 Sep, 201109:59
Six Days ... Really?

Six Days ... Really?

A six-day, young earth understanding of Genesis is the only one that comes from the text itself, which is why the rest of Scripture interprets it that way. Long-age views are a modern aberration that comes from imposing outside ideas of uniformitarian 'science' upon the text. See how compromising views render the Bible meaningless to a dying world. Full 52 min talk available on DVD at the CMI webstore.
25 Jul, 201102:19
Rafting In The Grand Canyon

Rafting In The Grand Canyon

Enjoy this ‘virtual raft tour’ through Grand Canyon stopping along the river to explore evidence in the rocks for the rapid formation of the canyon. This image rich presentation shows the beauty of the Canyon while explaining, in easy-to-understand terms how the Canyon’s geology supports biblical history and not the millions of years evolutionary history.
25 Jul, 2011
God the Master Designer

God the Master Designer

Darwin was totally unaware of the amazing machinery in even supposedly simple cells, which is essential for life to exist. And even larger-scale designs are outside the reach of the alleged mutation plus selection mechanisms of evolution. Finally, Dr Sarfati shows fantastic and compelling evidence of design—so advanced that human engineers are learning and copying from it.
15 Jul, 2011


What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? You will be surprised how much! And the real world evidence fits the Bible’s real history of the world from the beginning, and it includes these amazing creatures. See how we can use dinosaurs to teach age-old gospel truths. Both children and adults will love this entertaining and informative presentation.
25 Apr, 2011
The Mystery of Our Declining Genes

The Mystery of Our Declining Genes

One of the world’s foremost experts on genetics traces the history of human genetic decline due to mutations in our DNA. The evidence is startling to those who don’t believe in the Genesis account of Creation because it refutes conventional dates for alleged human evolution. This is powerful evidence for the Bible’s timescale for human history.
20 Apr, 2011
"The Mystery of our Declining Genes" Dr John Sanford

"The Mystery of our Declining Genes" Dr John Sanford

A world leading genetic researcher traces the history of human genetic decline and refutes conventional dates for alleged human evolution. Full 49 min talk available on DVD at the CMI webstore.
30 Mar, 201002:04
"A Brief, But True History of Time" Dr Mark Harwood

"A Brief, But True History of Time" Dr Mark Harwood

In tracing the chronological timeline of biblical history from creation to the cross, Dr Harwood reveals the exciting implications of taking Genesis as true history, and shows how the scientific evidence is actually consistent with it. The big picture of the gospel message presented is “good news” indeed!
30 Mar, 2010
"How Evolution Hurts Science" Dr John Sanford

"How Evolution Hurts Science" Dr John Sanford

As a leading research professor, John Sanford has seen the harmful effects of how a faulty worldview inhibits good science, especially in the revealing area of alleged “junk DNA”. He also shows how fallacious arguments are used to discriminate against anyone who dares to stand against the prevailing worldview of evolution and millions-of-years, and how we can make a stand against it.
30 Mar, 2010

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