This article is from
Creation 44(1):9, January 2022

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Cult of the ‘ex-creationist’

It seems a new ‘strategy’ might be in play to try to counter the influence of the biblical (young-earth) creation movement.


This is exemplified by the recent publicity given to the writings of ‘ex-creationists’ (but who claim to not have abandoned Christianity or belief in God).

Premier Christianity published an 1800-word piece by University of Western Sydney astrophysicist Dr Luke Barnes entitled “Why I’m no longer a young earth creationist” (30 July 2021). To their credit, “The UK’s leading Christian magazine” contacted Creation Ministries International inviting us to contribute an article of similar length in response. Retired CMI-Canada speaker and physicist Dr Jim Mason eagerly obliged: “Why I’m finally a young earth creationist” (republished with permission, creation.com/finally-YEC).

The following month Eerdmans Publishing announced a new book Baby Dinosaurs on the Ark?, described as “A scientific look at creationism by a former creationist”, Janet Kellogg Ray. The publishers found plenty of high-profile names to endorse the book, e.g. John Walton (professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College) and Karl Giberson (author of Saving Darwin: How to Be a Christian and Believe in Evolution). Of course, this called for a rebuttal—CMI-USA biologist Joel Tay’s consummate refutation can be seen at creation.com/review-baby-dinosaurs-on-ark.

The massive ‘disconnect’ in all this is evident from Janet Kellogg Ray’s assertion that “Evolution theory says nothing about God or religion or any other world view, for that matter.” Then what does she and her like-minded ‘Christian evolutionists’ make of the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s paying for huge billboard advertisements proclaiming “Praise Darwin”? And the likes of Cambridge University evolutionist Peter Lawrence’s atheistic zeal: “In this vital mission to discredit the supernatural, nothing has proved more important than The Origin of Species.” (creation.com/vital-mission-atheists)