This article is from
Creation 36(3):9, July 2014

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More Tiktaalik talk can’t make it walk

Evolutionists have now found pelvic bones in the fossilized fish Tiktaalik roseae which they claim confirms fins-to-feet development.

The University of Chicago researchers say Tiktaalik represents “a transitional stage in the origin of the pelvic girdle”.

Tiktaalik has for some years been promoted as the ‘missing link’ fossil between fish and land animals but it really is an example of evolutionary storytelling.

One of the paper’s authors showed how much storytelling was going on when he revealed there was no hind fin bone to go with the pelvic bones. “The hind fin of Tiktaalik is tantalisingly incomplete,” he said.

You can read more about the sorry history of this just-so story at creation.com/tiktaalik-pelvis.

  • Pelvic girdle and fin of Tiktaalik roseae, pnas.org, 3 December 2013.
  • Tiktaalik fossils reveal how fish evolved into four-legged land animals, theguardian.com, 14 January 2014.