
“Ark Man” Rod Walsh tour of the UK

Rod Walsh tour of Ireland & Wales

Tuesday 17–Friday 19 September 2013—Wales

Sunday 22–Sunday 29 September 2013—Republic & Northern Ireland

Featuring dynamic Australian speaker Rod Walsh as he tours across the UK with an amazing scale model replica of Noah’s Ark.

Planning is underway. You can book Rod for your event now.
Click here or phone 0845 6800 264.

Have you have ever been challenged to explain Noah’s Ark and the Genesis Flood?

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear Rod as he draws from his ten year feasibility study, exactly how plausible the biblical Ark was! Demonstrating with a scale model Ark, Rod communicates in clear, descriptive terms how it may have been built.

He can expertly answer many of the questions that most Christians still don’t know how to answer, such as:

  • How big was the Ark and how did all the animals fit?
  • Were dinosaurs on the Ark?
  • Where did all the water come from?
  • Where did all the water go?
  • What evidence do we see today for a global Flood?
  • How could the world have been populated in just 4,500 years since the Flood?

An extensive range of creation resources will be available at all meetings
All meetings are free—voluntary offerings may be taken.
This is a great outreach opportunity so remember to bring your friends!

To inquire about hosting a CMI meeting, please contact us or phone the Ministry Department on