Creation and Truth tour with Dominic Statham
Creation not confusion ministry tour with Gary Bates


Creation and Truth tour with Dominic Statham in Northern Ireland
Tuesday 4–Sunday 9 October 2011

Dominic became a Christian as a student in the early eighties. Over the following years, he became convinced of the need to hold firmly to the Bible as the basis for Christian belief and practice. Intrigued by the endless media assertions that “evolution is a fact” and that “the Bible is wrong”, he decided to investigate the scientific issues for himself. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to hear Dominic as he shares some of the most up to date creation information.

Find out:

  • How to give logical and reasonable defenses of the Christian faith.
  • How beliefs about where we came from determine our overall worldview, our behavior, and where we think we go when we die.
  • How to immunize our families and help prevent the exodus of our youth from the church.
  • How the biblical worldview, that includes a 6-day creation event only 6,000 year ago, is a strong defendable scientific alternative to the prevailing evolutionary model.


Venue details:


A select range of creation resources will be available at all meetings

All meetings are free—voluntary offerings may be taken.
This is a great outreach opportunity so remember to bring your friends!

To book your CMI event, please contact us or phone the ministry team on +44 (0)116 2848999