Ballymena Creation Day Conference

Ballymena Creation Day Conference—8 October 2011

Creation Outreach Ministries

9.30am Registration (plus refreshments)
9.45am Welcome/Introduction/Prayer
9.50am Stone Age People For Stone Age Thinkers? – Phil Robinson
10.45am Singing to the Creator: Creation in the Psalms – John Watterson
12.00pm God’s Fingerprints: DNA & the Creator – Philip Bell
12.55pm Bring your own (Packed Lunch) Drinks provided.
2.00pm *Darwin’s Tree of Lives – Ryan Patterson
2.55pm Genesis: History or Poetic Licence? – Robin Greer
3.50pm Break (refreshments/books)
4.15pm Panel Discussion/Q&A (1 hour)
5.15pm (Bring your own packed Tea) Drinks provided.
6.30pm Dinosaurs & Dragons: Monsters or Myths – Dominic Statham
7.25pm 5 minute wrap-up and thanks for coming etc.












  • Speakers will aim for 45 mins + 10 mins Q & A—the 55 min time slot will be strictly adhered to as there are seven sessions planned altogether
  • Encourage people to bring their own packed lunch for mid-day.
  • Information on local cafés, restaurants and supermarkets will be provided to enable conference attendees to purchase their own lunch and/or tea.
  • We will formally finish promptly by 7.30pm.

*Darwin’s Tree of Lives
- "This is a quick-paced overview of the social consequences of Darwinism including its contribution to societal and moral decline and its profound and alarming affect on some of the great and infamous personalities of recent history."