
Don't miss out! A whirlwind tour with Gary Bates

Saturday 14-Friday 20 April 2012

Gary Bates is the CEO of Creation Ministries International (US) and CMI-Worldwide (CMI’s global Federation). He has been speaking on the foundational issue of origins for over 20 years.

With his intensive challenges to evolution across the length and breadth of North America, Gary has become one of the most in-demand speakers and defenders of biblical Christianity in the world, due to his engaging lay presentations and in particular for his research into the culturally popular UFO phenomenon. His landmark book Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection, is the only creation book ever to be an Amazon top 50 best-seller.

Find out how:

  • Beliefs about where we came from determine our overall worldview, our behavior, and where we think we go when we die.
  • To give logical and reasonable defenses of the Christian faith. .
  • To immunize our families and help prevent the exodus of our youth from the church. .
  • The biblical worldview, that includes a 6-day creation event only 6,000 year ago, is a strong defendable scientific alternative to the prevailing evolutionary model.

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to attend one of Gary’s meetings. Back for a very short time in Singapore—it will be a while before he is back in Singapore!

Event Details:

A select range of creation resources will be available at all meetings.

All meetings are free—voluntary offerings may be taken.

This is a great outreach opportunity so remember to bring your friends!

To inquire about hosting a CMI meeting, please CONTACT US