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Radiohalos ruin radiometric dating

Radiohalos ruin radiometric dating

Radiohalos are the result of nuclear decay. They provide powerful evidence that the earth is young and radiometric dating is highly inaccurate.
18 Oct, 201828:30
Who were the Nephilim?

Who were the Nephilim?

Genesis 6 records that the sons of God and the daughters of men produced the Nephilim. Several views are presented on the identity of the Nephilim.
11 Oct, 201828:30
Energizing your spiritual growth

Energizing your spiritual growth

Science, creation, Genesis and spiritual growth. How do these things relate to each other?
15 Aug, 201828:30
Creationists damage Christianity?

Creationists damage Christianity?

Are biblical creationists damaging Christianity by ignoring modern science? We have been accused of that, but the truth is exactly opposite. Science supports Scripture.
06 Jun, 201828:30
What is the image of God?

What is the image of God?

What is it that humans have that God has and other animals don't?
09 May, 201828:30
The Christian response to aliens and UFOs

The Christian response to aliens and UFOs

Millions of people from all around the world have reported seeing what they think are aliens from outer space. How should Christians respond to these reports? The Bible provides direction for understanding aliens and UFOs.
28 Mar, 201828:31
Archaeology supports the Bible

Archaeology supports the Bible

Portions of an interview with a leading archaeologist.
14 Mar, 201828:30
Is Genesis poetry?

Is Genesis poetry?

Before we can hope to understand creation we need to be sure of the literary style of Genesis. Is Genesis poetry or does it record actual historical events? We compare the structure of biblical poetry with historical narrative and see which form of literature Genesis matches.
28 Feb, 201828:30
Evolutionary creation, round squares and other nonsense

Evolutionary creation, round squares and other nonsense

Did God use evolution to create the universe? Some people think so. Today we critique an article arguing for ‘evolutionary creation’.
14 Feb, 201828:30
If God created the universe then who created God?

If God created the universe then who created God?

This common question has a simple answer and a more complex answer. Today we examine both of them.
31 Jan, 201828:30
How long were the Genesis days?

How long were the Genesis days?

Could the Genesis creation days be millions of years long? Join us as we dive into the language of the biblical text and discover how long God took to create the universe.
17 Jan, 201828:30
Why youth leave the church

Why youth leave the church

Surveys show that many youth who grow up in the church will leave. Today we examine these surveys and present a powerful solution that is already making a difference.
03 Jan, 201828:30
How can a good God allow evil in the world?

How can a good God allow evil in the world?

Explaining the origin of death and suffering is vitally important in defending Christianity, since many people use the existence of ‘evil’ as an excuse not to believe in God. Learn why a literal-historical Genesis account is vital in answering.
26 Oct, 201728:30
The Flat Earth myth and the Bible.

The Flat Earth myth and the Bible.

Does the Bible teach that the Earth is flat? Did pre-scientific people really think that the Earth was flat? Watch Richard and Calvin debunk the Bible skeptics who misuse various Bible passages to suggest that the Bible says that the Earth is flat.
24 May, 201728:31
Alien Intrusion [Official Movie Trailer]  #2

Alien Intrusion [Official Movie Trailer] #2

18 May, 201702:36
Does the Bible condone slavery, abuse or mass murder?

Does the Bible condone slavery, abuse or mass murder?

According to many Bible skeptic internet warriors the Bible is an evil book that condones slavery and rape, etc. How do Christians answer these accusations when skeptics quote passages from the Bible itself as supposed proof? Watch this episode to find out!
12 Apr, 201728:31

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