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‘Fragile comets’ origins mystery
27 Sep 2006
The continuing fragmentation of Comet 73P/Schwassman–Wachmann 3 is proving awkward for evolutionary cosmologists.
Planet definitions and the Creator
10 Nov 2006
The decision to remove Pluto from the roll-call of planets in our solar system has caused much controversy, and some confusion. Find out the facts.
Major US denomination ‘affirms evolution’—and more
04 Jul 2006
The Episcopalian Church (Anglicanism in America) comes out strongly and officially in support of a position that rejects Genesis the way Christ taught and understood it.
by Carl Wieland
Evidence for Evolution—A Paradox
Dino feather folly
13 May 2006
So-called ‘dino feathers’ actually collagen fibre, says leading evolutionary ornithologist.
Connecting imaginary human evolution dots: The case of Australopithecus anamensis

Latest ‘ape-man link’ in Ethiopia excites media—but what has really been discovered? Creationist neuroscientist Dr Peter Line investigates.

Kenyan pastor speaks out against evolution
06 Oct 2006
Africans are increasingly being exposed to evolution, particularly ‘human evolution’, as never before.
Plankton’s powerful pogo
01 Aug 2006
The brightest human engineers are once again plagiarizing from the Master Designer. And the mechanism they’re trying to copy comes from an organism that evolutionists wrongly suppose is ‘primitive’.
‘Dealing’ with evolution
30 Jun 2006
Looking for ways to counter evolutionary ideas to family and friends? Here’s a quick 5-minute refutation of ‘natural selection = evolution!’
A Right Royal Interpretation?
26 Dec 2006
England’s Prince Charles, in recent addresses to Muslims, claims that the meaning of any ‘sacred text’—including the Bible—is not what it plainly says.
No Facts, No Faith! The REAL Danger of The Da Vinci Code
26 May 2006
The real danger of The Da Vinci Code. Lessons from a strategy boxers use to knock their opponents down.
Steve Irwin ‘conversion account’—the original email.