This article is from
Creation 42(3):6, July 2020

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The coherent creation worldview




People often think of creation vs evolution in terms of the evidence for or against each position. But really it’s much more foundational than that. Creation and evolution are two entirely different ways of looking at the world, each with their own origin story, morality, anthropology, and even eschatology.

A creationist worldview begins with our Creator. When one views the world as the handiwork of a good God, and humans as beings who have worth because they are made in His image, that has implications for literally every area of life. The evolutionary worldview, however, is so bleak that evolutionists must continually borrow from the creationist worldview. Otherwise humans are worth no more than beetles because evolution says we’re descended from a common ancestor. Alternately, one could argue from evolution that some humans are better than others, and we can see the horrors of 20th century eugenics as an example of where that leads.

We often use the analogy of creation and evolution as sets of glasses through which we look at the world. And when informed by what the Bible tells us about God and His creation of the world, we can see how everything from mathematics (p. 17) to the almost-comically poisonous manchineel (p. 12) testify to His glory. We are also equipped to help people who are struggling (p. 24) by pointing them to biblical truth.

Christians are often criticized for being anti-science, despite the many scientists whose creationist worldview is at the heart of their scientific thinking (p. 48). But in reality, classic evolutionist ‘evidences’ like the peppered moth (p. 18) have fallen apart when scrutinized, and archaeology increasingly confirms the Bible’s historicity (p. 14), showing that it is a trustworthy record.

Most importantly, biblical creation helps us explain death and suffering in the world. When natural disasters, pandemics, or personal tragedies impact us, we are naturally left wondering ‘why’? Naturalism offers only a cold, uncaring universe that pushes all of us through the meat grinder of evolution, without so much as the hope of an afterlife to console us. Biblical creation explains that God created a good universe into which our first ancestor, Adam, introduced sin and thus death. The Bible’s entire narrative therefore is about how God works in creation to redeem us from sin and restore His creation, culminating in the return of Jesus.

It is easy to see why Christians are encouraged by biblical creation. When we see the Bible’s ‘big story’ of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation, it helps us to be motivated to witness to others because we become more confident in our own faith.

Who in your life could be encouraged by this information? Think of using Creation magazine as a ‘paper evangelist’ and pass it on to them, after you have finished with it of course!

Posted on homepage: 27 April 2020

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