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Age of the earth
Data from many different sources point to a young age for the cosmos; not billions of years.
by Don Batten
How does the Bible teach 6,000 years?
Calculating the dates from the Flood to the Exile.
by Lita Sanders
Did God create over billions of years?
The god of an old earth is not the God of Christianity.
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
How can distant starlight reach us in just 6,000 years?
Creationists have more in their armoury now to deal with that question than ever before—while the problems for long-age evolutionists just get worse.
by Mark Harwood
Eroding ages
The continents cannot be billions of years old because they would have eroded away long ago; there should be nothing left.
by Tas Walker
‘Billions of years’ makes Christians dumb (and atheists loud)
A brilliant way to muzzle Christians: Get them to believe in long ages.
by David Catchpoole
Our young solar system
Multiple lines of evidence support the Bible’s age of the solar system.
by Wayne Spencer
Our steady sun: a problem for billions of years
The known physics of fusion poses problems for the supposed billions of years age of the sun.
by Jonathan Sarfati
‘Soft’ gap sophistry
Soft gappers claim Gen. 1:1–2 refers to creation of stars, galaxies and the matter of the earth, and v. 3–31 to forming and filling of earth billions of years later.
by Don Batten
Diamonds—Are they really all that old?
A pristine, unfossilized wooden log has recently been found in ‘ancient’ diamond-bearing rock
by Jonathan O'Brien
Nuclear physicist Dr van der Ventel embraces biblical creation
Dr Jonathan Sarfati interviews Dr Brandon van der Ventel.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Worldviews, logic, and earth’s age—part 1
Old-earth creationists should face the reality that their position more aligns them with a worldview that opposes Christianity.
by John K. Reed and Shaun Doyle