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‘Feathered’ dinos: no feathers after all!
Detailed analysis of Sinosauropteryx and decaying animals provides evidence for rapid burial, consistent with a global Flood. Also, claimed protofeathers were really support fibres for a single structure, like a crest.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Peacock ‘eyes’ that hypnotize
When the peacock vibrates its colourful fan of tail feathers, the ‘eyespots’ behave differently from the rest of the feathery background, leaving the peahen mesmerized.
by David Catchpoole
Supposed ‘icon of evolution’, Archaeopteryx, was “dressed for flight” in modern, probably black, feathers
Extract the exciting new fact about Archaeopteryx from the ‘paleobabble’ and evolutionary hype—and the conclusion is obvious.
by David Catchpoole
Creation in-depth: Archaeopteryx
A feathered dinosaur?
by Michael J Oard
Dino-bird theory—a flight of fancy
The controversial theory with a long history of competing concepts that is no closer to being resolved than it was in Darwin’s day.
by Jerry Bergman and Philip Snow
Sorry, how many feathers did you find?
Tongtianlong limosus—More feathered-dinosaur story telling that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
by Phil Robinson
Feathered forerunner or flight of fancy?
Have evolutionists finally found proof that dinosaurs had feathers? If so, what does it mean?
by Calvin Smith
Feathers—an evolutionary enigma
The incredible complexity of feathers continues to puzzle evolutionists.
by Jerry Bergman
And the oldest feather belongs to … a bird
Does the oldest feather fossil found belong to a bird or a dinosaur?
by Philip Robinson
The Road Runner
Meet the Real Roadrunner: Not Just a Cartoon Character. Discover the fascinating life of the roadrunner, its incredible speed, hunting skills, superstitions.
by Jeffrey Dykes
Alan Feduccia: the feathered dinosaur maverick
Fossil bird expert and evolutionist Alan Feduccia argues against feathered dinosaurs.
by Joel Tay