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The Origin of Life: A Problem for Evolution
The Origin of Life: A Problem for Evolution
by David A. DeWitt, Ph.D.
Origin of life
Not so hard after all?
by Don Batten
Ultracool Trappist-1 and its seven planets
The discovery of seven planets orbiting Trappist-1, with three in the habitable zone, has given rise to claims of habitability. However, neither life nor even water have been found there.
by Russell Grigg
Reproduction: the essential sign of life
What can a coffee table teach us about the beginning of life?
by Gordon Howard
Open questions on the Origin of Life in 2014
For those seeking to explain life’s origins from an evolutionary perspective, the gap between aspirations and evidence remains vast.
by Peter M Murphy
Indoctrinating children
The UK’s National Secular Society does not want religious creationism taught in schools, but they are OK with religious humanism being taught.
by Jim Mason
Origin of life questions, and what biblical creationists really believe
CMI commended for providing answers that pastors wouldn’t, and helps refute atheist’s chemical evolution propaganda and misunderstandings about biblical Creation/Fall model.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Could a good and loving God have used evolution? No way!
Could a good and loving God have used evolution? No way!
by Russell Grigg
A single-celled irony
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by David White
A strange idea of science
National Geographic’s ideas about the origin of life merely masquerade as science. Yet they say creationists are at war with science?!
by Lucien Tuinstra
Trappist planets not in habitable zone
Three of the seven planets orbiting Trappist-1, are said by NASA to be in the habitable zone; however, research shows that neither life nor even water have been found there.
by Russell Grigg
It’s all bluff
It’s controversial to question the scientific basis of big bang, origin of life and evolution, but scientists acknowledge that these so-called facts are propped up by imaginative stories.
by Dominic Statham