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Is the earth a flat disc or globe?
Answering from observations of the moon’s phases.
by KeeFui Kon
MOND over dark matter?
Suggestions for a Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) may mean that a fundamentally new physics is needed.
by Bill Worraker
Prepare ye the way—the aliens are coming! Part two
Disclosure! A much-desired proclamation by the UFO community about alien visitations to the earth, might not be far away. Are we prepared?
by Gary Bates
The Fermi Paradox
According to evolutionists, the universe should be teeming with life … but they just can’t find any.
by Gary Bates
The mystery of the moon
Whatever scenario evolutionists invoke, they can’t adequately explain the moon’s origin.
by Dominic Statham
Ultracool Trappist-1 and its seven planets
The discovery of seven planets orbiting Trappist-1, with three in the habitable zone, has given rise to claims of habitability. However, neither life nor even water have been found there.
by Russell Grigg
Mars’ catastrophic geology
Flooding, volcanism, glacial movement, sedimentary deposits and even geysers point to a violent past not long ago.
by Wayne Spencer
Changing-look quasars: how do they fit into a biblical creationist model?
When light from these distant objects unexpectedly brightens, it better fits a creation scenario.
by John G. Hartnett
Do creationists have to resort to secular ideas to explain geology and astronomy?
Do creationists have to resort to secular ideas to explain them?
by Don Batten, Shaun Doyle
Were stars created?
Were stars created?
by anon
How a stunning astronomical event bears witness to the Creator.
by Lita Sanders
Stonehenge’s solar secrets
New discoveries at Stonehenge reveal the ancient builders had accurate knowledge of the solar 365.25 day year.
by Gavin Cox