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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC): will a black hole swallow us?
Media hype had some people thinking the world would end. CMI’s Dr Russell Humphreys, formerly a physicist with the prestigious Sandia National Laboratories, makes an informed comment.
by Russell Humphreys
MOND over dark matter?
Suggestions for a Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) may mean that a fundamentally new physics is needed.
by Bill Worraker
Bye-bye, big bang?
A high-redshift quasar within lower-redshift galaxy NGC 7319 disproves traditional big bang assumptions demonstrates secular astronomer Halton Arp.
by John Hartnett
Youngest and brightest galaxy … or is it?
Artistry and the big bang story take over where the data leaves off
by John Hartnett
Magnetic Message from Mercury
Measurements of Mercury’s magnetic field should further test a creation-based model that has already correctly predicted the fields of other planets far better than evolutionary models.
by D. Russell Humphreys
Earth is ‘too special’?
Evolutionists propose that Earth formed by itself from dust particles colliding together. But astronomers are realizing that this just-so story requires some incredibly unlikely ‘coincidences’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
A new age of quantum madness
You and I help to create the physical world, including the laws by which it operates? Bizarre mystical notions like this are increasingly being taken seriously by top scientists.
by Carl Wieland
Dismantle the big bang
Evolutionary views of the universe sprang, not from a biblical understanding of history, but from efforts to explain origins without God or the supernatural. Yet the big bang concept has major flaws which even some evolutionists now recognise are fatal to its validity.
by Alexander Williams and Carl Wieland
Evidence of a watery origin for the solar system
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Andrew Rigg
Nobel Prize for alleged big bang proof
Despite the fanfare, the discovery for which this award was granted has been seriously discredited—including in very recent days.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Has ‘dark matter’ really been proven?
Caution urged about so-called empirical proof from the Bullet-cluster observations. Indeed, ‘dark matter’ is really a fancy name for a fudge factor, and proper physics eliminates the need for it.
by John Hartnett
Evolutionist debater fails to understand young-earth arguments
A young supporter asks some questions about young-earth evidence raised by an evolutionary debater. The response points out some of the evolutionist’s misunderstandings and even outright errors, and the role of axioms in the debate.
by Jonathan Sarfati