Feedback 2010
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A gentle answer
03 Apr 2010
1 Peter 3:15 instructs Christians to ‘always be ready to give an answer’ yet with ‘gentleness and respect’—even to atheists. Also, we update a reader enquiring about ‘mitochondrial Eve’.
by Tas Walker and Robert Carter
Bring on the hecklers?
24 Jul 2010
Don’t be too distressed if hecklers try to disrupt your efforts at creation evangelism. They might be doing some unintended good.
by Don Batten and Carl Wieland
Is it ‘unjust’ that the whole creation should suffer because of Adam’s sin?
17 Jul 2010
One reader queries CMI’s logic re ET and the Curse; another queries our use of the term ‘long-age Christian’.
by Gary Bates and Don Batten
Does a worldview have to be livable?
29 May 2010
Christianity passes the test with flying colours.
by Lita Sanders
Creationists hypocritical?
09 Jan 2010
Answering the caricature that evolution is science but creation is faith.
by Tas Walker
Can we know the truth?
16 Jan 2010
If we cannot know the truth, as some claim, then Jesus was wrong. Also, experiences must be judged by God’s Word, the Bible.
by Lita Sanders
Should CMI ignore atheists?
12 Jun 2010
A correspondent says we should ignore the atheists—and also claims that we are making a fundamental error in relation to the Bible.
by Don Batten
The teeth of the patriarchs
20 Mar 2010
With the likes of Adam, Methuselah, Noah and Shem living for hundreds of years, how could the enamel and dentin of their teeth have lasted for so long?
by Carl Wieland
Monkeying with probability
15 May 2010
Readers challenge CMI about the likelihood of monkeys being able to type the 23rd Psalm.
by Russell Grigg, Jonathan Sarfati, Don Batten
Irrational knuckle-brains?
02 Jan 2010
More straight thinking is needed over the ‘conflict’ between Christianity and evolution.
by Lita Cosner & GB
Ark ‘hominids’ and rib wrangles
08 May 2010
Could the ancestors of Australopithecus sediba have been on the Ark? Also, what do we do about ‘Adam’s rib’, given online contradictory claims about the capacity of ribs to regenerate?
by Carl Wieland
Angry at ‘tourist captains’
05 Jun 2010
How should we respond when tourist guides tell us things are millions of years old?
by Tas Walker