Feedback 2011
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Are Christians ‘atheists’ with respect to other religions?
10 Sep 2011
What does it mean to be an ‘atheist’?
by Carl Wieland, Don Batten
Chronological order in Genesis 1
08 Sep 2011
Big bang beginnings and days before the sun.
by Carl Wieland
Responses to our 15 Questions: part 1
07 Sep 2011
Our 15 Questions for Evolutionists pamphlet has sparked many responses from evolutionists and skeptics attempting to answer.
by Lita Cosner, Dr Don Batten, Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Dr Rob Carter
Atheism, plants, and gas giants
03 Sep 2011
CMI gets questions and comments on all sorts of issues. This week we showcase some of that variety, with questions on topics from atheism to astronomy.
by Lita Cosner, Don Batten, Jonathan Sarfati
Childbirth pains and human consciousness
01 Sep 2011
Would stopping childbirth pain disprove the Curse? And, how does human consciousness fit into the Christian worldview?
by Carl Wieland
Simplified sardine arguments and ‘sacking’ heretics
31 Aug 2011
Do either have a place?
by Don Batten, Shaun Doyle
‘Lucy’ and atheism
27 Aug 2011
Even if ‘Lucy’ walked upright, would she be an ancestor of humans? And, does science naturally lead to atheism?
by Carl Wieland, Don Batten
The importance of correct history and theology
18 Aug 2011
History, science and philosophy without theology lead to atheism
by Shaun Doyle, Don Batten
A high view of Scripture?
06 Aug 2011
Round two versus a theistic evolutionist who objected to being grouped with the ‘useful idiots’ who help the atheistic cause with their compromise. Objective biblical exegesis trumps postmodern eisegesis.
by Philip Bell, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Rock layers and caves
30 Jul 2011
Are creationists mistaken about how they form, and how long they take to form?
by Emil Silvestru, Tas Walker
How does Göbekli Tepe fit with biblical history?
26 Jul 2011
How does this supposedly 12,000-year-old archaeological find fit with biblical history?
by Lita Sanders
Do creationists have to resort to secular ideas to explain geology and astronomy?
23 Jul 2011
Do creationists have to resort to secular ideas to explain them?
by Don Batten, Shaun Doyle