Feedback 2012
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Being prepared—facing the tough questions
21 Oct 2012
Facing the tough questions.
by Carl Wieland
Is nature clearer than written language?
20 Oct 2012
Nature can’t speak for itself.
by Lita Sanders
Thinking biblically about termites and lizards
14 Oct 2012
Only when we use the Bible consistently as our foundation can we properly make sense of life.
by Shaun Doyle, Don Batten
Correcting misconceptions on creation and the gospel
13 Oct 2012
CMI’s Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Lita Sanders help some correspondents through some misconceptions of biblical creation and the assurance of salvation believers have.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Questioning God’s many attributes
07 Oct 2012
An inquirer asked how Christians can defend the claims that God is Omnipotent, Eternal, Spiritual, and Omniscient. The answer includes defining them correctly, and far more.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Answering a reasonable atheist on deep philosophical questions
30 Sep 2012
Atheist argues that meaning and morality are possible without God.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Is brother-sister intermarriage intrinsically immoral?
29 Sep 2012
Does Leviticus 18 imply that brother-sister intermarriage was always wrong?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Can evolution and religion co-exist?
22 Sep 2012
It depends on the religion!
by David Catchpoole
Should we trust ministries that don’t support biblical creation?
16 Sep 2012
As always, the Scriptures are to be our ultimate guide.
by Calvin Smith
Does archaeology confirm the Bible’s historical record?
15 Sep 2012
The archaeological record corroborates the Bible’s record.
by Lita Sanders
Answering questions about discrimination and information
09 Sep 2012
Should we discriminate against homosexual practices? And is the information problem a valid argument against evolution?
by Lita Cosner, Rob Carter
Other possible mechanisms for abiogenesis and evolution?
08 Sep 2012
Evolution is unlikely from a scientific perspective not just because of a lack of evidence, but also because what we know works against it.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati