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Gary Bates
Like many Christians, Gary, formerly a convinced evolutionist, had difficulty upon his conversion in reconciling the so-called ‘facts’ of evolution with the Bible. His journey has now led him to be fully affirmed in the truth of God’s Word from the very first verse.
Dr Robert W. Carter
Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Dr Sarfati has been a Christian since 1984. He has long been interested in apologetics, the defense of the faith, and was a co-founder of the Wellington Christian Apologetics Society (New Zealand). Creation vs evolution is of course a vital area, because of the ramifications for the doctrines of Creation, the Fall which brought death into the world, and their links to the doctrines of the Incarnation, Atonement and Bodily Resurrection of the God-man Jesus Christ.
Dr Don Batten
Before joining the creation ministry in Brisbane, Australia in 1994 (first CSF, then AIG, now Creation Ministries International), Dr. Batten worked for a state Department of Agriculture for over 20 years, in the field of plant science.
Dr Tas Walker
Since joining the full-time staff of Creation Ministries International (CMI) in Brisbane, Tas has helped edit Creation magazine and the in-depth Journal of Creation (formerly TJ). Tas also researches projects connecting geology with the Bible. He has conducted geological field trips at numerous sites in eastern Australia, and travels extensively speaking for CMI-Australia.
Philip Bell
Philip Bell biography
Dr Mark Harwood
Mark played a key role in the development of Australia’s national satellite system from its inception in 1980. He was responsible for the conceptual system design and payload system for four generations of Optus satellites. These satellites were designed to deliver direct-to-home television services and general communications services throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Richard Fangrad
Before becoming officially involved with creation ministry, Richard’s knowledge in this area grew primarily through reading many of the resources that the ministry now carries. He also rafted down the Colorado River through Grand Canyon with geologists and palaeontologists to view evidence for Noah’s Flood first hand.
Phil Robinson
Phil Robinson
by Phil Robinson
Dr Jim Mason
Keaton Halley, M.A. in Christian Apologetics
by Sylvia Smartt
Rod Walsh
In 1997 Rod was inspired to build a model of Noah's Ark to show that it was a real part of history. Over the next 7 years, Rod & Nancy ministered to more than 600 venues around Australia, speaking to churches, Sunday Schools, schools, shows etc. before starting work with CMI Australia in 2005.