Feedback 2016
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Carbon-14 in diamonds: Refuting Talk.Origins
12 Nov 2016
Carbon-14 in Diamonds is still a problem for evolutionists.
by Joel Tay
Ica stones, Acambaro figurines, and good arguments
01 Oct 2016
Do these controversial finds provide a good argument against deep time?
by Shaun Doyle
Roman Catholicism, science, and evolution
16 Jan 2016
Does CMI purposefully ignore all Roman Catholic contributions to science?
by Shaun Doyle
Answering atheist arguments
06 Aug 2016
We respond to a list of skeptical arguments against the Bible and Christianity.
by Lita Sanders
Why should we think living things were created by God? 
07 May 2016
Answering an atheist who insists design is an illusion.
by Keaton Halley
God’s justice, mercy, and creation
31 Dec 2016
We answer a question about God’s justice and whether it is loving for God to require belief to be saved.
by Lita Sanders
Wrong radiometric dates, and why they matter
16 Jul 2016
Radiometric dating methods often give wrong dates for rocks. Some critics argue that creationists shouldn’t point this out, because the methods should not have been used in the first place.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Seeing is believing for evolutionists
09 Jul 2016
An evolutionist challenges creationists to look at what he considers is strong evidence for his position: different modes of birth among otherwise related creatures.
by Philip Bell
God, miracles, and logic
19 Mar 2016
Does God do miracles arbitrarily?
by Shaun Doyle
Evidence and evolutionary bias
18 Jun 2016
Evolutionists promote an ‘evidence-first’ approach, but fail to see that their own philosophical evolutionary bias blinds them to evidence for the God of the Bible.
by Don Batten
What is the problem with starlight in transit?
02 Jul 2016
And do various biblical miracles have the same problem?
by Lita Sanders
Can evolution produce rational minds?
24 Sep 2016
A correspondent asks for help defending the argument from reason against critics.
by Keaton Halley