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Where are the fossils of buildings and artifacts from pre-Flood civilizations?
27 Oct 2020
If the geologic strata were deposited by a global Flood, why aren’t there pre-Flood tools and buildings in the fossil record?
by Keaton Halley, Shaun Doyle
Chronology vs. chronogenealogies: Is Ussher to blame?
24 Oct 2020
A feedback question doubts the biblical history in favor of secular Egyptian chronology.
by Gavin Cox
A history of the United Methodist Church’s opposition to creationism and intelligent design
23 Oct 2020
A history of opposition to a literal understanding of Genesis
by Jerry Bergman
15 Oct 2020
Have engineers actually designed a super material that cannot be cut? And where did they get their inspiration?
by Lucien Tuinstra
“Theology made reject creation”
10 Oct 2020
A reader asks for help responding to someone who says, “It was theology, not science, that turned me off to creation.”
by Lita Sanders
Pigeons don’t fancy Darwin
23 Sep 2020
Pigeon fanciers’ fancy pigeons fuelled Darwin’s flights of fancy
by David Catchpoole
Spiders and ants inspire an unsinkable metal structure
14 Sep 2020
Bug benefiting boat design
by Philip Robinson
A case for rapid formation of calcareous concretions
21 Aug 2020
These geological structures form much more quickly than was thought!
by Michael J. Oard
Biblical creation has the answers
03 Aug 2020
Creation magazine can help us see how Scripture answers life’s most important questions.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Sick, suffering monsters and the eugenicists who created them
13 May 2020
How did eugenics give rise to many of the modern dog breeds?
by Lita Sanders
Canaanite Hazor—the Bible got it right
11 May 2020
Uncommon knowledge of the ancient city preserved in Scripture
by Keaton Halley
Dating Kabwe 1, the Broken Hill skull from Zambia
09 May 2020
Why is Homo heidelbergensis so much younger than previously thought?
by Tas Walker