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Did Angkor really see a dinosaur?
Skeptics have objected strongly to CMI’s presenting of the famous Angkor carving as evidence that man lived alongside dinosaurs.
by Jonathan O’Brien and Shaun Doyle
Dragons on Noahs Ark
Ancient artists produced spectacular animal imagery that includes a creature with easily discernible dinosaurian features.
by Philip Robinson
‘Carnivorous’ dinosaurs had plant diet
Theropods, the dino group that includes T.rex, were all predators, right? No, about half of them had a salad diet! See also how they challenge dino-to-bird dogma.
by Jonathan Sarfati and Liita Cosner
Chinese fossil layers and the uniformitarian re-dating of the Jehol Group
How the dating evidence is forced to fit the dino-to-bird evolutionary paradigm.
by Andrew Sibley
Bird breathing anatomy breaks dino-to-bird dogma
A new discovery about bird thighs and lungs seems to be the ‘nail in the coffin’ for the popular notion that they evolved from dinosaurs.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Medieval artists saw extinct reptiles: more evidence
Comparisons between modern and medieval artists show ancient peoples saw 'extinct' reptiles and dinosaurs
by Brian Thomas
Leonardo’s dragon
How did he draw a dinosaur so accurately?
by Phil Robinson
Dino ‘puberty blues’ for paleontologists
Scientists now realize the dramatic physical changes that dino ‘teenagers’ go through.
by David Catchpoole
Dino proteins and blood vessels: are they a big deal?
One blog claimed, ‘finding the rare, hardy biomolecule from dinosaurs is nothing to get excited about’. But see why proteins could survive the Flood but not eons.
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati
Thunder lizards
Cinema technologies have brought mankind face-to-face with Earth’s largest-ever land animals, but what do we really know about them?
by Russell Grigg
A Chinese camarasaurus?
Ancient wine vessel depicts sauropod dinosaur
by Phil Robinson
Feathery flight of fancy
Microscopy of the famed Sinosauropteryx ‘dino-bird’ fossil shows the idea of ‘protofeathers’ fails under close scrutiny
by Shaun Doyle