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Egypt and the short Sojourn: Part 1
The debate between a long and a short Egyptian Sojourn continues, but there are many things in the Bible and Egyptian archaeology that correspond to the short Sojourn.
by Robert Carter, Gary Bates
Is CMI confusing Egyptian chronology?
A critic writes into CMI saying we are confusing when it comes to Egyptian chronology, and that Joseph’s pharaoh must have been an Egyptian.
by Gavin Cox, Gary Bates
“The Bible is not a science book!”
Compromise undermines the Gospel
by Gary Bates
Egyptian mummies and Hebrew perfume
New discoveries at Saqqara, Egypt help shed light on ancient mummification practices, ancient chemistry, regional botany, and ancient global trade connections.
by Robert Carter
Egypt and the short Sojourn: Part 2
The debate between a long and a short Egyptian Sojourn rages on, but many things in the Bible and Egyptian archaeology correspond to the short Sojourn.
by Robert Carter, Gary Bates
Horus—the deified Ham: part 2
More evidence Noah’s family may be found in Egyptian myths about their gods.
by Gavin Cox
The search for Noah and the Flood in ancient Egypt—part 2
Is an echo of Noah, his family, and the Flood found in Ancient Egypt?
by Gavin Cox
The uplift of the mountains
It happened quickly but did not terrify people
by Tas Walker
Lost cities of the Amazon
Proof that these modern-day hunter-gatherer tribes once lived in sophisticated urban centres
by David Thomas
Peruvian ‘alien mummies’ are fraudulent artefacts
The small figures from Peru that were claimed to be aliens are no more than an assemblage of bones from several different animals, held together with modern glue!
by Andrew Sibley
Exodus 3:14 and God’s immutability
What does God’s revelation about Himself at the burning bush imply about His immutability?
by Shaun Doyle
Equivocal carbon dating of ancient footprints in Tularosa Basin, New Mexico
What happens when radioisotope dates conflict with the previously accepted long-age story?
by Andrew Sibley