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How old? When archaeology conflicts with the Bible.
Archaeologists discover a spear point “9000 years old”? But it’s far older than either the biblical date for the Flood or Creation. What is the answer to this?
by Gavin Cox
Born to communicate
Amazingly, deaf children stranded by themselves develop their own complete sign language. 
by Kevin May
Resolving alleged conflicts between the Bible and other accounts of Egyptian history
Egyptologist Patrick Clarke responds to an enquiry about research into apparent conflicts between the Bible and conventional Egyptian chronologies.
by Patrick Clarke
Stunning Stonehenge!
‘Stone Age’ relic of post-Babel construction?
by Gavin Cox
The search for Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood—in Ancient Egypt?
Answering an interesting question about whether the Ancient Egyptians knew about Adam’s genealogies up to Noah and Mizraim.
by Gavin Cox
Our brains are getting bigger—no, smaller …
Evolutionists who linked human brain size to intelligence have had to change their story.
by Carl Wieland
Can the Ica Stones be independently authenticated?
Thousands of engraved rocks, many depicting dinosaurs—are they authentic ancient artifacts?
by David Woetzel and Dennis Swift
The biomedical properties of ancient Egyptian black eye makeup
Ancient man was at least as intelligent as his modern counterpart.
by Patrick Clarke
The world’s oldest alphabet
Evidence suggests that the first alphabet may have been developed by the Hebrews, not the Phoenicians, as commonly believed.
by James R. Hughes
Culture clash
When Europeans encountered Aboriginals on the Australian island of Tasmania, they assumed them to be not far removed from animal ancestors because of their ‘lack’ of technology.
by Carl Wieland
Stonehenge: new discoveries are still stunning archaeologists!
Archaeologists uncover huge new structure near Stonehenge testifying to ancient man’s ingenuity and brilliance.
by Gavin Cox
Creation in-depth: Elasmosaurus? No, you goose …
Is a dinosaur depicted in this ancient Egyptian hieroglyph?
by Carl Wieland