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A miracle by any other name would be … called science?
10 Nov 2011
Taking their own medicine. Atheists sometimes criticize Christians as irrational for believing in miracles. Can their worldview withstand the same examination?
by Calvin Smith
A brief history of design
09 Nov 2011
From ancient times to today the signs of a Creator are clearly evident.
by Russell Grigg
Who wrote Isaiah?
08 Nov 2011
Isaiah contains accurate predictions about the future, including the coming Messiah. So liberals have desperately attacked its authenticity.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Lita Cosner
The Bible and interracial marriage
07 Nov 2011
Interracial marriage. The hangovers of evolutionary racism can still be found in some church circles today
by Carl Wieland
Getting a bad rap
06 Nov 2011
A recent interview in Creation magazine emphasized the rap group Destiny Lab’s biblical creationist views, and some readers were concerned that any association with rap is ungodly.
by Gary Bates
Many questions, many answers
05 Nov 2011
Whale fossils, mutations, and the meaning of Genesis 1
by Lita Cosner, Don Batten, Jonathan Sarfati
Quasars again defy a big bang explanation
04 Nov 2011
Defying big bang explanations yet again!
by John Hartnett
The fascinating geological history of Pyramid Rock
03 Nov 2011
Spectacular evidence for huge catastrophe of fire and water.
by Dr Tas Walker
Evolutionary racism
02 Nov 2011
A revealing secular book documents the huge change in how other Australians regarded their country’s indigenous population after Darwin’s book appeared.
by Carl Wieland
The Greatest Hoax on Earth?
01 Nov 2011
Refuting Dawkins on Evolution, A response to The Greatest Show on Earth: the evidence for evolution
by Jonathan Sarfati
The bee and the postman
31 Oct 2011
Just like the postman, the bee delivers information—for those who are willing to receive it.
by Gordon Howard
From the rocks to reincarnation
30 Oct 2011
The Bible is our final authority and reliable guide
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Dr Carl Wieland