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Creation in-depth: Genesis confirmed in clay
27 Jun 2014
Despite secular claims that the Genesis account is a myth borrowed from various earlier sources, author Bill Cooper discovers the reverse is true.
by Dominic Statham
Calendars more than just days and months
26 Jun 2014
Not all calendars are the same and some are arguably flawed. So why has most of the world settled on the Roman calendar?
by David Malcolm
Kangaroo rats
25 Jun 2014
by Paula Weston
A disaster of ‘biblical proportions’
24 Jun 2014
In spite of widespread disregard for the Genesis Flood, journalists and politicians can’t resist invoking the Bible when catastrophe strikes!
by Philip Bell
Did Angkor really see a dinosaur?
23 Jun 2014
Skeptics have objected strongly to CMI’s presenting of the famous Angkor carving as evidence that man lived alongside dinosaurs.
by Jonathan O’Brien and Shaun Doyle
A hard time finding God
22 Jun 2014
The ‘evidence’ David Attenborough and others present for evolution has caused a reader to question his faith.
by Carl Wieland
Amazing preservation: Three birds in a dinosaur!
21 Jun 2014
Did dinos give rise to birds? No—they ate them.
by David Catchpoole
Creation in-depth: Chance or more than chance?
20 Jun 2014
Russian author asks some tough questions about evolutionary storytelling.
by John Woodmorappe
The largest structure in the observable universe, or cosmic variance?
19 Jun 2014
Some of the most basic assumptions of the big bang should be under challenge from this discovery, but how it has been dealt with is a lesson for all.
by John Hartnett
Creative design in the human embryo
18 Jun 2014
The astonishing way a human develops in a mother’s womb speaks of incredible design rather than of any claimed evolutionary ancestry.
by Gary Parker
Don’t read the Bible!?
17 Jun 2014
Elitism of the worst kind, from a media presenter on religious affairs—a former church minister and lecturer in theology.
by David Catchpoole
Galaxies, Black Holes, and Creation
11 Jan 2023
Ph.D. astrophysicist and expert in black-hole–containing galaxies explains why he believes in biblical creation.
by Jonathan Sarfati