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Journal of Creation
Journal of Creation (TJ) Volume 18 Issue 3 Contents
Solar-powered sea slugs defy evolution and horizontal gene transfer
17 Jun 2016
The concept that horizontal gene transfer explains shared genes among unrelated taxon is being challenged by a solar-powered sea creature.
by Jeffrey Tomkins
Ancient Near Eastern cosmogonies
16 Jun 2011
Do they prove Genesis 1 should not be interpreted as reliable history? Plus a comment on the Hebrew word bara and heretical ideas by Dutch scholar Ellen van Wolde.
by Carl Wieland, Dominic Statham
Mutations, epigenetics and the question of information
29 Oct 2011
Addressing some common misconceptions about creationist biology.
by Jean Lightner, Don Batten
Battle for the Bible in the early church
16 Jun 2017
Early Greek scholars who attacked the Bible are similar to modern-day scientists and some theologians who likewise cast doubts on the reliability of God’s Word.
by Benno A. Zuiddam
Spacetime and the Trinity
25 May 2013
Is Jesus intrinsically bound in spacetime?
by Shaun Doyle
Are there side issues in Scripture?
15 Mar 2014
How do we differentiate salvation issues as opposed to others?
by Lita Sanders
Why I’m finally a young-earth creationist
02 Nov 2021
CMI’s Dr Jim Mason responds to Dr Luke Barnes’ Premier Christianity magazine article, “Why I’m no longer a young-earth creationist”
by Jim Mason
Six days? Really?
24 Feb 2022
Are the days of creation ordinary days? Could they be long periods of time? Is Genesis 1 poetry? Does the length of the days really affect the Gospel?
by Dr Don Batten (contributing editor), Dr David Catchpoole, Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Dr Carl Wieland
Here’s the Intel; Stephen Hawking fears robots could wipe us out
30 Jun 2015
Why is the world’s so-called smartest man so afraid of rapid technological advancements? 
by Warren Nunn
It’s supernatural (naturally)
15 Oct 2012
The Bible can explain miracles that supposedly ‘violate natural law’.
by Gordon Howard
Can science contradict the Bible?
10 Oct 2015
Do we claim to have an answer to every objection to biblical creation?
by Shaun Doyle