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Dino dung overturns objection
15 Sep 2008
Sceptics love to challenge Christians about Noah’s Flood. Here’s how a piece of (fossilized) dung ruins their ‘argument’.
by Tas Walker
Stromatoporoids and the oil resources of Alberta, Canada
13 Feb 2016
Children’s book challenge—answers to questions about fossils, the origin of oil, and the geology of Canada.
by Tas Walker
‘Surprising’ lizards in amber
30 Oct 2017
Thirty-eight fossil lizards reckoned to be 20 million years old—so well-preserved you can see whether their eyes are open or shut.
by David Catchpoole
Bacteria trapped for “millions of years” under Antarctic ice
23 Apr 2009
Evolutionary fascination drives yet another news story about vast timespans. But what do the facts show?
by Carl Wieland
Making sense of ‘Homo naledi
16 Dec 2019
It doesn’t fit any evolutionary story.
by Peter Line
Bestselling British journalist, a gay atheist, confirms the toxicity of Darwinism to the Christian faith
22 Nov 2019
Bestselling British journalist, a gay atheist, confirms the toxicity of Darwinism to the Christian faith.
by John Woodmorappe
Developmental genetics supports creation theory
22 Sep 2017
Evolutionists try to define homology by how it is explained, not by how it is observed.
by Walter ReMine
Movie-making an off-the-wall idea
31 Oct 2016
Was ancient man’s fascination with painting images on cave walls a precursor to cinematography?
by Warren Nunn
Writing Success the Classical Way
Writing Success the Classical Way
by Amy Hastings Olsen
11 Jun 2019
How tilapia skins help to heal burn victims
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
What type of body did Jesus have before the Incarnation?
07 May 2022
What type of body did Jesus have before the Incarnation? This Feedback question is answered with reference to John’s Gospel and the union of Christ’s divine and human natures.
by Andrew Sibley
Is creation irrelevant?
01 Dec 2015
Popular leaders of ‘evangelical’ Christianity increasingly embrace evolution. How should we respond?
by Gary Bates and Lita Cosner