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Bats—sophistication in miniature
05 Feb 2014
For the amazing echolocation ability of bats to function properly, both emitting and receiving organs must be present, and cooperate. (There are other problems too, to drive evolutionists ‘batty’.)
by Paula Weston
Algae to oil
18 Aug 2021
‘Fossil fuel’ takes a lot less time to form than commonly believed
by Dr Carl Wieland
The amazing electric eel
26 Jan 2015
Stunning and stealthy
by Dominic Statham
Fascinating fossil fence-wire
15 Dec 2010
Unfortunately, the average person is still conditioned into thinking ‘millions of years’ when considering how rocks and fossils form. But as we’ve said many times with many examples—given the right conditions, rocks and fossils will form in a very short time.
Vintage Journal: Genesis 1 and the gap theory
18 Mar 2011
Correct exegesis with close attention to syntax and semantics supports the plain reading of Genesis 1
by Charles V. Taylor
Adam’s Brothers? Race, Science, and Genesis Before Darwin
27 Feb 2006
Adam’s Brothers? Race, Science, and Genesis Before Darwin
by Lael Weinberger (guest author)
Roman Catholicism and Genesis
03 Jul 2009
A Roman Catholic priest and Ph.D. physicist shows how biblical creation was the traditional view of the Church Fathers and medieval Church Doctors and makes sense of science.
by Michael Oard
A Civic Biology and eugenics
23 Sep 2009
How did the school text book that was the subject of the Scopes trial impact eugenics—the ‘scientific’ breeding of human beings?
by Grant Williams
Refuting Evolution 2—Chapter 2
Argument: Evolution is compatible with Christian religion
by Jonathan Sarfati
Chickens with teeth
25 Jul 2006
by Carl Wieland
Refutation of New Scientist’s Evolution: 24 myths and misconceptions
28 Nov 2008
Second instalment of a refutation of a lengthy New Scientist diatribe against creation: refuting its contextually ignorant and outright incompetent charges of Bible ‘contradictions’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Swine flu—Is it evidence of evolution?
02 Jun 2009
Just as with AIDS and avian influenza, the latest virus scare is being hailed as proof that evolution is true.
by Carl Wieland and David Catchpoole