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The creation information argument—how does it stand up to the charge of circular reasoning, and more?
01 Aug 2009
Philip Bell and Carl Wieland respond to a young but very well-informed critic.
by Philip Bell, Carl Wieland
Pigeon Revision: Brainy birds trump bookish baboons
23 Oct 2019
The ability to distinguish the style of a Picasso from a Monet puts a whole new perspective on ‘bird-brainy’
by David Catchpoole
Does Leviticus 19:19 prohibit the cross-breeding of horses and donkeys?
29 Jan 2022
Does Leviticus 19:19 prohibit the cross-breeding of horses and donkeys?
by Joel Tay
“No To Racism” campaign backlash
27 Dec 2019
Will racism ever be eradicated? Does the world have the remedy? A return to biblical creation is needed: God made from one man every nation of mankind.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Apartheid, racism, and biology
11 Dec 2011
Does biology have a place in our understanding of apartheid in South Africa?
by Carl Wieland
The Genesis genealogies
26 Oct 2021
The Genesis genealogies are both a historical account, which can be used to calculate the age of world, and a key aspect of the fulfillment of the Messianic promise.
by James (Jim) R. Hughes
No fence to sit on
02 Aug 2012
Neutrality is impossible in the creation/evolution debate.
by David Catchpoole
Pole vaulting and creation
28 Jun 2023
Why does a pole-vaulting champ think that biblical Creation is vital for the Gospel?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
04 Jul 2013
Not so young after all?
by David Coppedge
Caution—slippery surface
13 Oct 2016
An astonishingly complex plant helps provide a technical breakthrough and a smooth solution.
by Joni Ruokamo
Getting the Word out
28 Jul 2014
Carl Wieland chats with organic chemist and businessman Gary Baxter
by Carl Wieland
Settling for less
26 Dec 2014
A review of God’s Words in Human Words by Kenton L. Sparks
by J.P. Holding