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What type of body did Jesus have before the Incarnation?
07 May 2022
What type of body did Jesus have before the Incarnation? This Feedback question is answered with reference to John’s Gospel and the union of Christ’s divine and human natures.
by Andrew Sibley
Once upon a time …
22 Feb 2007
Why evolutionists have taken modern dating methods too much ‘on faith’.
by Michael J. Oard
27 Jun 2013
A scandal of our contemporary culture that has been perpetuated for generations but about which most people are oblivious or continue to turn a blind eye.
by Peter Crook
US government spends millions researching UFOs
21 Dec 2017
An unusual admission by the US has many asking if aliens are real. Are you ready with an answer?
by Gary Bates and Lita Cosner
Ceres Surprises
03 Jun 2020
The dwarf planet Ceres is generating wonder and consternation amongst scientists
by Jonathan O’Brien
Copying confusion
Copying confusion Does duplication of existing DNA help evolution? by Alexander Williams
by Alexander Williams
The Jurassic Coast—Icon for the Genesis Flood
04 Dec 2017
How an icon of secular geology provides powerful evidence for Noah’s Flood.
by Michael Oard, John Matthews, Andrew Sibley
Evolutionists disagree on how evolution happens
26 Jan 2019
There is more than one view among evolutionary researchers on how new biological structures arise.
by Shaun Doyle
Designer stripes: Zebras and the truth of Genesis
04 Dec 2019
Sorting out the equid kind is not always a black and white issue.
by Tricia Wright
The road to Indonesia
08 Jul 2010
For the first time ever, CMI sends a speaker to the world’s most populous Muslim country—for a 2-month ministry tour
by Carl Wieland
The frantic search for extraterrestrial life
16 Oct 2018
What are the chances for extraterrestrial life? Could life evolve from non-living chemicals? Are there any suitable planets apart from ours?
by Henry Richter
A change in tactics
18 Aug 2009
Notable evolutionists are retreating into arguments from analogy. Are evolutionary “strongholds” buckling?
by Calvin Smith