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Evolution: just a change in allele frequencies?
27 Jun 2015
Answering a critic who claims that evolution is proven by trivial biological changes.
by Keaton Halley
Focus: news of interest about creation and evolution
Focus Creation news and views 22(1)
by Various
Earth Science Ireland chastised over anti-Christian, anti-creationist attitude
09 Sep 2008
Geologist says it’s time to open up geology to debate, starting with this open letter.
by Angus Kennedy
Magnetic Message from Mercury
05 Feb 2008
Measurements of Mercury’s magnetic field should further test a creation-based model that has already correctly predicted the fields of other planets far better than evolutionary models.
by D. Russell Humphreys
‘Exceptionally preserved jellyfishes’
14 Dec 2009
In Origin of Species, Darwin wrote that ‘No organism wholly soft can be preserved’.
by David Catchpoole
Britain needs God
06 Sep 2011
Former atheist laments the sour fruit of godlessness.
by Dominic Statham
Spiderweb stickiness secret
16 Jul 2012
How spiderweb glue works: multi-functional adhesive—a ‘smart material’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
A disaster of ‘biblical proportions’
24 Jun 2014
In spite of widespread disregard for the Genesis Flood, journalists and politicians can’t resist invoking the Bible when catastrophe strikes!
by Philip Bell
Have scientists found evidence of a parallel universe?
08 Dec 2015
Could an anomaly found in the map of the cosmic microwave background be from one universe bumping up against another?
by John G. Hartnett
Sea lilies and starfish—splendours of the sea
06 Nov 2013
Did you know that a starfish is not a fish, and a sea lily is not a plant?
by Paula Weston
The scars of a nation
The scars of the treatment that first Australians received is a lesson in how not to treat people.
by Carl Wieland
Fantastic voyage from the womb
20 Mar 2019
The amazing changes in a new born baby’s circulation
by Lainna Callentine