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Creation in-depth: Erosion and the post-Flood boundary
12 Sep 2014
What do erosional features on the earth’s surface suggest for the placement of the post-Flood boundary in the rock record?
by Michael J Oard
Wagging a finger at creationists
21 May 2016
Answering a critic who scolds creationists on moral and intellectual grounds.
by Keaton Halley
Telling the Christmas story from Creation
18 Dec 2012
Why did Jesus come? At a ‘Christmas outreach’, one pastor focused on creation, sin, judgment, and salvation instead of angelic visitation, shepherds, and wise men.
by Karl and Sun Dahlfred
Has an ape learned to talk?
24 May 2023
Claims circulated widely in the early part of this century that a chimp had learned to talk. When you see our comments on it at that time, it’s no surprise that it hasn’t gone anywhere since.
by Carl Wieland
Jumping wallaby genes and post-Flood speciation
04 Dec 2015
Evolutionists once thought that jumping genes were ‘selfish’ DNA, but Australian wallabies show they were jumping to the wrong conclusions.
by Pierre Jerlström<br>
Soil, trees and their fruit
17 Jul 2017
The Lord Jesus told us that certain trees will produce certain fruit. Gary Bates uses this analogy to show the importance of Genesis creation for our worldviews.
by Gary Bates
Does the new much-faster-speed-of-light theory fix the big bang’s problems?
26 Jan 2017
By invoking a hypothetical to test the hypothetical big bang, two cosmologists develop a model out of nothing.
by John G. Hartnett
‘Lucy’ and atheism
27 Aug 2011
Even if ‘Lucy’ walked upright, would she be an ancestor of humans? And, does science naturally lead to atheism?
by Carl Wieland, Don Batten
William Jennings Bryan
12 Nov 2014
Hollywood’s and the media’s take on the Scopes Monkey Trial unfairly turned a man who faithfully served his country and fellow man into a hated figure in history.
by Effie Munday
Five reasons why evolution is important?
27 Apr 2010
They focus on health and medical research so you will have a favourable impression about evolution, but what do they mean by evolution?
by Tas Walker
Chronological order in Genesis 1
08 Sep 2011
Big bang beginnings and days before the sun.
by Carl Wieland
Creation: antidote for depression
21 Jan 2008
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker