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Long-age geology or Genesis?
20 Jul 2010
Compromising geologists in the Presbyterian Church of America urge Christians to trust them about the age of the Earth and re-interpret Scripture accordingly.
by John Reed
Creation in-depth: Dinosaur Challenges and Mysteries
07 Mar 2014
The authoritative dinosaur book.
by Brian Thomas
David Attenborough’s Rise of Animals,
23 Feb 2014
Sir David—up to his old tricks!
by Russell Grigg
Why believe in objective morals?
16 Sep 2017
How can we believe in objective morals if people disagree on moral questions?
by Shaun Doyle
Creation in-depth: Erosion and the post-Flood boundary
12 Sep 2014
What do erosional features on the earth’s surface suggest for the placement of the post-Flood boundary in the rock record?
by Michael J Oard
Soil, trees and their fruit
17 Jul 2017
The Lord Jesus told us that certain trees will produce certain fruit. Gary Bates uses this analogy to show the importance of Genesis creation for our worldviews.
by Gary Bates
The illusion of millions of years
31 Jan 2011
The Bible’s history has no need for millions of years, which turns out to be an illusion.
by Gordon Howard
Bill Bailey’s Jungle Hero: Alfred Russel Wallace
10 Dec 2013
The BBC’s program on Alfred Russel Wallace is as notable for what it leaves out about him, as for what it puts in.
by Russell Grigg
Why look for a new theory of gravity if the big bang cosmology is correct?
07 Feb 2017
Scientists are searching for answers to questions which in theory they shouldn’t even have to ask, especially in regards to gravity.
by John G. Hartnett
Truth decay
01 Jan 2012
Does the Western Church lack a critical element for revival?
by Gary Bates
Science fiction: a Biblical perspective
by David J. Laughlin
How carbon dating works
12 Apr 2022
Carbon dating clearly shows that the earth is young, but significant challenges remain for the biblical creationist. These are addressed here.
by Robert W. Carter