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Creation in-depth: Thermal isostasy
21 Jun 2013
A new look at its potential to advance Flood geology.
by Emil Silvestru
Responses to an apostate friend
18 May 2014
A supporter gets answers to questions raised by a friend who abandoned his faith and his understanding of creation and embraced evolution.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Flood was historically global, not hyperbolically global
07 Feb 2020
A review of The Lost World of the Flood by Tremper Longman III and John H. Walton.
by Keaton Halley
Phytogeography and zoogeography—rafting vs continental drift
11 Sep 2020
Was it by rafting or continental drift?
by Dominic Statham
The uniformitarian challenge of ultrahigh-pressure minerals
15 Nov 2007
They challenge uniformitarian pictures of continental drift, but what do they mean for creationist models?
by Michael J. Oard
Monkeying around with cloning
01 Feb 2018
New monkey clones made the same way as Dolly the sheep. What happened, what should we think of this, and how would it apply to humans?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Deconstructing Darwin—full steam ahead!
17 Mar 2009
CMI’s Deconstructing Darwin meetings are having an impact.
by Calvin Smith
Life in light of the resurrection
31 Mar 2018
The Resurrection of Jesus is not less than a historical event. But it is also more—it is a reality that should permeate our entire lives as believers.
by Lita Sanders
Why were the Reformers burned?
13 Aug 2009
Modern evangelical Christians might be surprised to learn of what was, and is, at stake. How many would be prepared to similarly resist, to the point of death, today?
by Neil Moore
Challenge to creationists:
14 Nov 2009
Is the panda’s thumb an example of natural selection increasing diversity?
by David Catchpoole and Carl Wieland
A fallacious philosophical work
24 Jul 2015
Author Conor Cunningham asserts that biblical creationists are critical, cynical and heretical. But does he back up such serious claims with any evidence?
by Mary Beth De Repentigny
Many questions, many answers
05 Nov 2011
Whale fossils, mutations, and the meaning of Genesis 1
by Lita Cosner, Don Batten, Jonathan Sarfati