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Reading the Bible and understanding nature
01 Apr 2011
A review of The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science by Peter Harrison
by Lael Weinberger
Biologos fails with Is Genesis History critique
22 Jun 2017
A big failure.
by Tas Walker
Australia’s amazing kangaroos and the birth of their young
11 Dec 2013
Kangaroos—created or evolved? The complexity, variety and beauty of God’s creatures serve to glorify the Creator and show His power.
by Andrew A. Snelling
Fire in the air
24 Nov 2017
How a theory that was once widely believed did not stand up to scrutiny.
by Spike Psarris
Information Theory—part 1: overview of key ideas
31 Jan 2014
An overview of the key views about information theory by leading thinkers in the creation/evolution controversy.
by Royal Truman
Is the Bible one book or 66?
03 Jan 2012
Our answer to this question affects how we interpret the Bible.
by Lita Sanders
Journal of Creation
Journal of Creation 21(3) Contents
Compromising chaplain castigates creation, round 2
27 Nov 2010
A school chaplain takes issue with our previous comments.
by Lita Sanders
Echolocation ‘evolved in the same way’
03 Oct 2013
To explain echolocation without a designer, evolutionists now claim ‘200 genes had independently changed in the same way.’ This extensive homoplasy / ‘convergence’ undermines homology claims in building evolutionary trees.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The seven-day cycle
08 Jul 2015
It doesn’t divide into the year and it doesn’t fit into the month! So where does the seven-day week come from?
by David Malcolm
Let the blind see …
11 Jan 2008
Breeding blind fish with blind fish restores sight for many of them—but should evolutionists be crowing?
by Dr Carl Wieland
ET needed evolution
31 May 2006
There's something ET needed more than a spaceship, in order to reach Earth. And Charles Darwin provided it.
by David Catchpoole and Gary Bates