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Why I’m finally a young-earth creationist
02 Nov 2021
CMI’s Dr Jim Mason responds to Dr Luke Barnes’ Premier Christianity magazine article, “Why I’m no longer a young-earth creationist”
by Jim Mason
Dramatic dinosaur footprints at Karoola station, Australia
09 May 2019
Fleeing the rising waters of Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
Consciousness is not an emergent property of matter
07 Jun 2018
Taking apart the argument that says consciousness, rather than being a product of the supernatural soul, emerges from the complex physical structure of our brains
by Paul Price
Reclaiming the rainbow
03 Nov 2022
The rainbow is a symbol of God’s mercy to all mankind, but has now been adopted on to the so-called ‘pride flag’, sometimes called the rainbow flag.
by Andrew Sibley
Can science contradict the Bible?
10 Oct 2015
Do we claim to have an answer to every objection to biblical creation?
by Shaun Doyle
It’s supernatural (naturally)
15 Oct 2012
The Bible can explain miracles that supposedly ‘violate natural law’.
by Gordon Howard
Are praying mantises kosher?
09 Jan 2012
Can the Bible count the number of legs on an insect?
by Rory McClure
Caving in to creation
04 May 2022
Carl Wieland interviews Romanian geologist and world cave authority Dr Emil Silvestru
by Carl Wieland
Here’s the Intel; Stephen Hawking fears robots could wipe us out
30 Jun 2015
Why is the world’s so-called smartest man so afraid of rapid technological advancements? 
by Warren Nunn
An ‘introduction’, in-depth
20 Aug 2010
A review of The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems by William A. Dembski and Jonathan Wells
by Lael Weinberger
Braterman ‘slam dunk’ flunk
28 Nov 2017
Retired anti-creationist professor gives grade ‘F’ advice to followers.
by Andrew Lamb
Can evolution produce rational minds?
24 Sep 2016
A correspondent asks for help defending the argument from reason against critics.
by Keaton Halley