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NASA astronaut Ed Mitchell says aliens are with us
12 Aug 2008
An American hero rocks the establishment with his spectacular claim of having ‘inside knowledge’ about UFO cover-ups. However, there is more to Ed Mitchell than meets the eye.
by Gary Bates
The Vredefort Dome, South Africa
10 Jun 2019
Long-age thinking held back scientific explanations of a major South African geological feature.
by Tas Walker
Stalin: from choir boy to communist butcher
13 Jun 2012
How belief in a creatorless universe helped shape the thinking of one of history’s greatest tyrants—Joseph Stalin.
by Russell Grigg
Defending vital doctrines and the deity of Christ
08 Dec 2007
Do we really confess Jesus as God? To understand New Testament confessions, it is important to understand the Old Testament basis. Many Old Testament references to God/YHWH/Jehovah are applied to Jesus.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Gogonasus—a fish with human limbs?
As with all so-called ‘missing link’ finds, the difference between what the media tells us and real story is considerable.
by Daniel Anderson and Shaun Doyle
Order in the fossil record
06 Nov 2021
How can Noah’s Flood explain it?
by Shaun Doyle
Isaiah 9:6–7: The coming Child who would be called ‘Mighty God’
30 Mar 2010
Isaiah prophesied about the coming of a Child who would also be the ‘Mighty God’ and ‘Father of Eternity’, which can fit only Jesus of Nazareth, the God-Man.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Claim Robert Ballard discovered Noah’s Flood in the Black Sea is not correct
19 Dec 2012
Robert Ballard discovered the Titanic but not Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
Fast octopus fossils reveal no evolution
03 Jan 2011
As unlikely as capturing a ‘fossil sneeze’
by Garry Graham
Nice theologians leading the church away from the truth
16 Jan 2018
They may appear to be genuine shepherds, but many are leading their flocks astray.
by Don Batten
Beware the bubble’s burst
13 Sep 2017
Increased knowledge about cavitation highlights the destructive power of fast-flowing water.
by David Catchpoole
Carl Linnaeus: the scientist who saw evidence for God in everything in nature
22 May 2017
A man who recognised order in nature now lends his name to a well-known classification system in science.
by Russell Grigg