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Mistakes about mistakes
14 Mar 2016
Do common mutations found in humans and apes prove evolution?
by Dominic Statham
‘Missing link’ misconceptions
27 Oct 2013
What does the term ‘missing link’ mean? Is it helpful? And is a ‘minimum breeding population’ an argument against Genesis?
by Carl Wieland
‘One, Two, Three, Many!’
15 May 2017
‘Stone Age’ people can’t count beyond three, right? Wrong.
by David Catchpoole
Incomplete lineage sorting and other ‘rogue’ data fell the tree of life
27 Mar 2015
The evolutionary tree of life popularized by Charles Darwin has been shaken to its roots by the molecular genetics revolution.
by Jeffrey Tomkins and Jerry Bergman
Do toads goad snake evolution?
10 Mar 2021

Rapid evolution?—Are Aussie snakes really evolving to cope with toxic toads? CMI’s Dr David Catchpoole investigates.

by David Catchpoole
Brain scientist helps develop young Christian minds
16 Aug 2010
Dr David DeWitt explains some amazing designs of life, and why Neandertals were fully human not ‘ape-men’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
‘Progressive creationist’ Gleason Archer on the obvious meaning of Genesis
‘Progressive creationist’ Gleason Archer on the obvious meaning of Genesis
by anon
Creation magazine
Creation magazine 30(1) Contents
Do creationists hate science?
31 Jul 2010
Rather than hating science, the biblical worldview gave birth to science
by Lita Sanders
Pitcher plants and animal sanitation
25 Apr 2016
The pitcher plant that encourages small animals to drop by, leaving their ‘calling card’
by Jonathan Sarfati
Soft flexible nerves in Triceratops bone
09 Aug 2021
Soft flexible nerves have been found in a Triceratops fossil
by Joel Tay
Clarifying the magmatic model for the origin of salt deposits
19 Nov 2013
Answering criticisms.
by Stef Heerema